Saturday, April 30, 2011

Rest Day

I have been going, going, going all week. By last night I found that I was tired, tired, tired! Today has been a rest and recuperation day. I have even managed to avoid housework for the most part. I slept in and even took a nap. A totally unproductive day .... but probably one that I really needed.

In a little bit, I will stir myself to get ready to head to the church for Saturday night Prayer & Praise. That is always a wonderful and uplifting time. I always feel great when I get there. But I have to admit that tonight I am still tired and a bit headachy ... I would rather stay home.

But I won't. I will head to the church and make sure that everything is set up for tomorrow and then join my prayer warriors to pray through the church in preparation for tomorrow. Then I will come home with my heart lifted high and ready for a wonderful day of worship tomorrow.

Rest was a good thing .... there are good things yet ahead.

Just Connie

Friday, April 29, 2011


I spent the day with my 5 year old great nephew, Hunter. He is pretty great, if I do say so myself. When his daddy was in preschool, he lived with me. Over the years as I have watched him grow into a man I have felt very proud of him. His son is very precious to me.

So early this morning I packed up activities, drove an hour and spent the day having fun. We made airplanes and took them outside to fly them. We grew magic dinosaurs, we even watched "Python Hunters". That was absolutely not my choice. But he was thrilled.

At one point, as we were having a light saber fight, I realized how much I miss these days with my children. It seems that I turned around one day and they were all grown up. I do not want to turn around and realize that this little guy grew up without me. So I think I will put some time aside this summer to do some fun things with my great nephew.

I am reminded that these are the moments that make life worthwhile. It is not the big sweeping things, it is these small moments of love that gives my life joy. I think I will look for more of these small moments..... I think it will grow my heart.

Just Connie

Thursday, April 28, 2011


I have been reflecting on the nature of friendship.  I have found that friendship is a pretty rare commodity. It seems that  to find someone who meshes with you who is also committed to friendship is an uncommon occurrence. I would love to say that I have assiduously nurtured all my friendships .... but that would not be true.

Some of my friendships have been impacted by a change in geography, some have slowly grown apart as diverse viewpoints became too great. Others have been impacted by hurt. Either my own personal hurt and fears or theirs ... sometimes even both of us.

Over a decade ago my life was devastated when my husband came home, handed me a letter and then waltzed off to a new life and a new love. That pain ripped through my life and still has reverberations today. One of the most painful reverberation was the loss of friendships that were incredibly important to me. That loss put me in an isolation that was unfamiliar, painful and very unwelcome.

Over this past two years, God has been slowly restoring some of the losses in my life. Each thing that has been restored has amazed me and reminded me anew of how precious these gifts are. One of those has been the restoration of my heart friend. I had no expectation that this would be given to me ... in fact I have to say that I was too fearful and hurt to even say that I wanted it. But I did. and I have such joy and such wonder that this could happen.

Besides my absolute gratitude for this gift, I am wondering what other wonderful things God has in store for me? I have a feeling that the best is yet to come.

Just Connie

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


For 15 years I pastored with a denomination that I loved. I served on committees, boards and gave countless hours to help churches around the state. U  served on regional committees and even sat on the theology board at the college. I loved life and I loved my church and denomination. Then one night my husband came home, handed me a letter and was gone. In the weeks that followed my life that I loved was gone. I was told that though the divorce was not my choice and there was nothing I could do to stop it "I was of no further use to my chosen denomination". My church, my denomination, my friends, all my fellow pastors .... everything was gone.

I learned over the months that the judgements of my "friends and co-laborers were harsh. I finally cut myself off from contact with anyone from my denomination. I found I did not have to worry about what they had heard, what rumors, the judgements and over all the incredible hurt it brought me each time.

For 12 years God has been restoring my life, piece by piece. Ministry, friends ... piece by piece it is being given back to me. But I have to admit to a lingering hurt and an avoidance on my part of situations where I might have to confront my former co-workers. Today I headed to a conference in Portland. When I walked in I expected to sit with my fellow Free Methodist Pastors. But instead I was assigned a table at random. I reported to my table and person by person my past filed in. Out of the table of eight, six of them were fellow pastors from my past.

Over the next few hours God began to heal something that I did not even realize still needed to be healed. As we talked and shared 12 years of ministry and happening I began to find a comfort and a joy in connecting with them. I left feeling good about our interaction with a big smile on my face.

I am pretty sure that God was smiling too.

Just Connie

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Meeting Woes

It is late and I just drove home over the mountains ... well foothills to come home. I had a Budget and Finance meeting in Salem that went late. It was a very wearing meeting.

On reflection the thing that wore on me the most was one of the committee members. I can remember thinking at one point, "This man has the people skills of a kumquat". That might have been too generous. He is very skilled but he does not always deal well with people. And he seems blissfully unaware of his lack of people skills.

It makes me wonder if I am that out of touch with the reactions of the people around me. I sure hope not. I remember saying to someone in my office just today, "It is people that matter. When in doubt protect the relationship." I think I feel so passionately about that because I have lost relationships that were very important to me .... over some pretty unimportant things.

I hope that in my life Christ's love will automatically pour through me to others. Well I have a feeling that it might not always be automatic. I will probably have to work on it. Sometimes I do better than at it than I do at other times.

But at least tonight I did not tell my problem child he had the people skills of a kumquat. I guess it is a start .....

Just Connie

Monday, April 25, 2011

Content With Life

I think that I am content with what my life is becoming. I do not always like being alone and there are times that I am lonely, but for the most part I like my life. I have the chance to utilize a wide variety of skills, meet lots of people and opportunity to grow and learn as well.

In fact I have worked hard to get here. I wanted to be content with what my life was and to not always pine for what it was not. And suddenly I realized .... for the most part, I like my life.

I realize that is a pretty subjective feeling and that the next time I am trying to put a Christmas tree up by myself or fix my fence in the snow I just might feel differently. But right now I can say that the good parts of my life far outweigh the "bad". In fact the bad really is not all that bad anymore.

This is a good place to be. I hope that it is a place that will last a long, long time.

Just Connie

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Resurrection Day

Toda's sermon has a lengthy scripture reference ... it is the story of Lazarus

John 11:1-44

1 Now a man named Lazarus was sick. He was from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. 2 (This Mary, whose brother Lazarus now lay sick, was the same one who poured perfume on the Lord and wiped his feet with her hair.) 3 So the sisters sent word to Jesus, “Lord, the one you love is sick.”

4 When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” 5 Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. 6 So when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days, 7 and then he said to his disciples, “Let us go back to Judea.”

8 “But Rabbi,” they said, “a short while ago the Jews there tried to stone you, and yet you are going back?”

9 Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours of daylight? Anyone who walks in the daytime will not stumble, for they see by this world’s light. 10 It is when a person walks at night that they stumble, for they have no light.”

11 After he had said this, he went on to tell them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.”

12 His disciples replied, “Lord, if he sleeps, he will get better.” 13 Jesus had been speaking of his death, but his disciples thought he meant natural sleep.

14 So then he told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead, 15 and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him.”

16 Then Thomas (also known as Didymus) said to the rest of the disciples, “Let us also go, that we may die with him.”
17 On his arrival, Jesus found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days. 18 Now Bethany was less than two miles from Jerusalem, 19 and many Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort them in the loss of their brother. 20 When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet him, but Mary stayed at home.

21 “Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died. 22 But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.”

23 Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”

24 Martha answered, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.”

25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

27 “Yes, Lord,” she replied, “I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.”

28 After she had said this, she went back and called her sister Mary aside. “The Teacher is here,” she said, “and is asking for you.” 29 When Mary heard this, she got up quickly and went to him. 30 Now Jesus had not yet entered the village, but was still at the place where Martha had met him. 31 When the Jews who had been with Mary in the house, comforting her, noticed how quickly she got up and went out, they followed her, supposing she was going to the tomb to mourn there.

32 When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and said, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.”

33 When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. 34 “Where have you laid him?” he asked.

“Come and see, Lord,” they replied.

35 Jesus wept.

36 Then the Jews said, “See how he loved him!”

37 But some of them said, “Could not he who opened the eyes of the blind man have kept this man from dying?”
38 Jesus, once more deeply moved, came to the tomb. It was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance. 39 “Take away the stone,” he said.

“But, Lord,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man, “by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.”

40 Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”

41 So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. 42 I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.”

43 When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” 44 The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face.

Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”

Resurrection Day

There are 10 central truths in this passage which can help us in our everyday walk.
1. Be courageous in ministry
          Jesus going to Bethany in spite of the danger (vs9-10)

2. Walk in the light
        No stumbling in the dark (vs 9)

3. Believe the impossible
       If you believe you will see the glory of God (vs 40)

4. Know what you believe
      I know you are the Messiah (vs24)

5. Be honest
      If you had been here … ( vs 32 Mary)

6. There is no shame in tears
     Jesus wept (vs 35)

7. Pray
     Jesus prayer a the tomb (vs 41)

8. Follow the voice of the Master
     Lazarus following the call (vs 44)

9. Come out of the tomb
     The dead man came out (vs 44)

10. Remove the grave clothes
     Take off the grave clothes (vs 44)

Jesus still calls us to come out of the tomb. Come out of death, into new life. Come out of the darkness of sin, of despair ... be resurrected. God is still in the resurrection business and He is calling us today.

Just Connie

Easter 2011 - Resurrection Day

Easter Sunday .... I can hardly believe that it got here so quickly. It seemed so far away. It has been a wonderful day. It started with a rainy cold, but wonderful sunrise service. We had a nice crowd  ... probably about 50 people. Given the cold rainy morning I thought that was pretty good. The music went well, the preaching was very good. After the service we walked across the street to the Christian Church who provided breakfast for all of us. there was good fellowship and just a wonderful feeling was in the air.

From there it was time to head to church and get ready. We had a packed house and everyone was in such good spirits. Wonderful, uplifting worship lead the way to today's sermon. (see next post for today's sermon)

After church, I was invited to dinner and enjoyed a very relaxing afternoon. Now tonight I am curled up in front of the fire feeling pretty good about the day. Easter went very well and I think I am learning how to navigate through the mine fields of singleness and holidays. I am learning to be more intentional and push myself a little more than I am really inclined to.

I guess in summary I would say ... He is risen!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Eve

I just got home from the church. I met with the college age class who was having a Seder dinner. It was very enjoyable. I thought they did a very good job. I had matzoh bread and bitter herbs and lots of things I would not normally eat.

 By the time that was over it was time to join my Saturday  night prayer and praise group. We pray through every room in the church and then everyone grabs the instrument of their choice and we sing. We have a saxophone, a flute, often the drums, guitars and the keyboards. It is thoroughly and absolutely wonderful. I always come home happy with my heart lifted up.

Tomorrow is Easter. It will begin with the Sunrise service, which I am doing the music for. Whenever I do the music for an Easter Sunrise service I think about the year in North Portland when my friend Carolyn asked me to turn pages for her. In my enthusiasm, I knocked the music off the piano and watched it go fluttering down off the platform. She was a trooper, she kept playing and I eventually got some of the pages picked up and stuffed in front of her. But I don't  understand why she never asked me to turn her music for her again. In fact no one else has ever asked me.

After the sunrise service I will go to the Christian Church for breakfast. Then run home and get changed for church service and head to the church for our own Easter services. It will be a wonderful day. I am expecting great things.

It is a good feeling to be full of good expectations. I can hardly wait for tomorrow.

Just Connie

Friday, April 22, 2011


I had interviews today. 9 of them in fact. I was part of the interview team that was choosing scholarship recipients. Everyone of these kids were sharp and worthy of scholarships. Some of them had incredible scholastic achievements, some had incredible work int eh community. A couple had overcome incredible odds in their personal lives. each of them were amazing young adults.

We were supposed to choose 2 out of the nine to get a $1,000 scholarship. We could not do it. We wrestled and  voted and wrestled some more. These were outstanding and each of them were worthy of scholarships. We finally decided to choose 3 and give a $1,000 and two $500 scholarships. I feel very good about our choices.

I came out of the interviews feeling very good about the youth of our community. I was amazed at how committed they were to the school, the community and to their families.

I think ... we have some great potential for the world of tomorrow.

Just Connie

Thursday, April 21, 2011

People Plans

I sighed as yet another person knocked on my office door. Some days are just like that and today I had a long stream of drop in visitors. I am usually very glad to see people and glad that they can drop in, but today? Today it was harder to be glad. I was staring at a list of things that needed to be finished ... things with a deadline. I had board meeting tonight with board reports to get run off and agendas to prepare. I also needed to finish writing the newsletter and hopefully get it to the secretary before she left for the day. That possibility seemed to get farther and farther away with every visitor.

But here it is late afternoon and the office is quiet. No visitors, the newsletter is finished and all of the Board items are done and ready for tonight's meeting. Everything seemed to have gotten done that had to be done. Yes, there are still some things I could do (there are always more things to do) but the "have tos" are done.

I am reminded as I think back over my day, that real ministry is not in the agenda and other things I was so busy doing, real ministry is the people. It is connecting lives in the laughter and the tears and everything else those drop in visitors brought with them.

I am glad that real ministry happened today in spite of my plans.....

Just Connie

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Birthday Thoughts

Today is my birthday. There was not a chance in the world that I could forget it began with a early morning phone call from my mother (I can always count on her to remember) and then countless Facebook Friends greetings began to appear. Some greetings came as far away as India, it has been rather surprising to me.

When I got to the Chamber of Commerce meeting this morning I was surprised by everyone singing me happy birthday and cinnamon rolls for everyone in my honor. It was fun to be in the midst of a group of people who care for me and the teasing and laughter brightened my day. I was also surprised to open the newspaper and see a one page article on me. That was a nice birthday surprise. It was even mostly accurate which is always an amazing feat.

I have to admit that I was rather expecting today to be kind of sad and lonely. With no family to celebrate with me I knew that it would be very different from my birthday celebrations of the past. But instead I found the day to be a reminder that there are people who like me for who I am. I have people who are willing to take the time to send me birthday greetings. It is a good feeling and instead of sadness I find that I am feeling loved tonight.

And that is a pretty good feeling ....

Just Connie

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Facing Shame ... Face to Face

I still struggle with a sense of shame about my divorces. I cannot believe that me .... who believes so strongly in the sanctity of marriage has been divorced ... twice! But yet it is true. It still saddens me and I have found that when people find out they make assumptions about me, my life and my choices. Being divorced has a social stigma to it especially in the church.

I realized that sense of shame was still there recently when I I was trying to apply for a passport. It surprised me. As I reflected on it I realized anew that shame was not from God. It condemns and destroys, it does not bring life ... it brings death. Realizing that, when my Sunday School class began to discuss shame, I used my own experience as an illustration. I felt my eyes tear up as I shared how I felt and how that shame stung and hurt. The class got very quiet and finally one of the men said, "We love you, we know your background and your life, you do not shame us, you make us proud." I was soooo surprised and so blessed by what he said.

With that ringing in my mind I headed back to the Post Office to once again try for my passport. I took both divorce decrees, my birth certificate, my social security card, my drivers license and my checkbook. I pushed down my discomfort and fears,  I squared my shoulders and tried again. And you know what? It was not bad. It went very smoothly. I explained quietly that I had two marriages so my name has changed. She never batted an eye. I paid my fees, signed the papers and had my picture taken. In the next month or so, my passport should arrive in the mail.

Shame ..... shame go away ..... and in the light of truth it really does.

Just Connie

Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday Musings

Mondays .... I love them! They are my sermon and study day. It is always exciting to see where God takes me as I begin to study. So often it is not where I thought I would be ... but always so much better.

Now my sermon is done, the information has been sent to all the sound guys and the office staff. That means it is time to work on the Easter Sunrise service. This year I have been put in charge of the congregational singing. I do not often get a chance to sing (which I love to do) I need to transpose some traditional Easter songs into a key I can play them in. This Monday just gets better and better.

In a little while I will throw on my workout clothes and head to the gym. After that a quick trip home to clean up, eat and then head back to the church for a meeting. I can see rays of sunshine through the stained glass in my office. That looks promising as well.

Mondays are wonderful!

Just Connie

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Reality of Ministry

This is the last Sunday with guest preachers. Next week I am back to a normal schedule. I have enjoyed hearing what God has laid on the hearts of my fellow pastors, but I have to admit that I have missed preaching. to stand before God's people and proclaim truth is central to who I am. I do not take it for granted.

Today, even though I did not preach it was a very full day. I taught my adult Sunday School class, and led the service as I usually do. At the close of the service we had a potluck and at the end of the potluck we had our annual pie auction to benefit quizzing. So I had spent the last two days cooking and baking to get ready for the potluck and of course the auction. One of my duties was to auction off the pies. I had so much fun, we teased and laughed and outbid each other and just had a lot of silly fun. There were over 30 pies. It was incredible!

In the last 48 hours I have had a memorial service, have baked and auctioned pies, led a worship service, fielded countless phone calls  and pushed a lot of papers. It is probably a pretty good cross section of the reality of ministry. It is a little bit of everything.

I am looking forward to a week filled with that reality. I think it will be a good week.

Just Connie

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Insurance Woes

I have always had insurance. I have been part of group policies in every job that I have had. I never thought that much about it. It was just always there. Recently, I have been giving it a lot of thought.

As a pastor I am considered self employed. When I was pastoring with the Nazarene Church we had a state wide group policy available to us. But the Free Methodists have no group policy, I need individual insurance. I applied with the company who had been my carrier for the last 12 years. I did not think that was going to be a problem. I was wrong, it was a problem.

Today I got a phone call that told me that company number three has turned me down. It seems that I am considered uninsurable. That really surprises me because I feel healthy and well. I exercise 5 days a week at the gym and I am active on the weekends. But it seems that in the eyes of the insurance companies I am considered a poor risk because of one little problem. I have Hepatitis C. It was a "gift" given to me by my husband. It is a "gift" that carries potentially fatal consequences. I have learned to live with it and have found a balance that protects me from most of the symptoms. Most people have no idea that I have it.

I find that this issue of insurance really bothers me. It is very scary to be without that safety net. I am trying to be creative, but it looks like I am running out of options. I am meeting with an agency next week to see if they can come up with any other options. I am hoping for options.

Sigh ..... of all the things my husband did to me, this is the one that rears its ugly head the most. It is a good reminder to me that sin has consequences and sometimes those consequences strike innocent lives. This reminder calls me live in God's presence and grace in a way that will not hurt those around me. And that should keep me busy for awhile ......

Just Connie

Friday, April 15, 2011

Passport Dilemma

I went to try to get my passport today. I had a certified copy of my birth certificate, I had my state issued id (drivers license) my checkbook .... I was ready. However I soon found out I was not ready. If your name has changed since your birth certificate you must have marriage license, divorce decree, etc, that will document your name change.

I stood there with my mouth open. Nothing in all the reading I had done indicated I would need that. The man was trying to be patient and kind with me and I was trying to figure out whether I would need "both" divorce decrees. But I found I did not want to ask him that. So I was kind of asking around the bush and he was not understanding what I was really asking. I left without being sure of what I would actually need.

As I drove home I thought back over my complete reluctance to tell him I was twice divorced. A total stranger and I was still fearful over what he would think of me .... that surprised me. My eyes filled with tears as I contemplated what it would take to get my passport. I would have to bring in the documentation and explain to someone why I have had three names.

That sense of shame .... surprises me. I really thought I had come farther than that. Shame is not of God. Conviction that brings Godly choices is from God, but this useless condemnation I know is not of God. So tonight I am trying to let the shame go. I will let God whisper words of love and affirmation and try to see myself through His eyes.

Hmmmm .... God tinted glasses .... that would be a very good thing.

Just Connie

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rainy Day Thoughts

Rain, rain go away ... come again another day .... no on second thought don't. i am a native Oregonian. I am used to the rain. I do not carry an umbrella and I do not let the rain slow me down from my daily activities. But this has been an unusually long, cold winter/spring. We are still getting sleet and hail and it is still freezing at night.

I am ready for some dry weather. I would like to work in the flower beds, I would like to prune back some of the bushes and trees. I have to admit that I just do not want to get out in the cold rain and work on any of it.

So tonight I am curled up on the couch in front of the fire. In a couple of minutes I will let the very wet dogs in and begin the process of drying them out and then mopping up the mud they will surely bring in with them.

Well, that is my life .....

Just Connie

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dark Morning

Disoriented I gazed into the darkness and tried to orientate myself. The darkness was so complete .... too complete. There was no glow of the clock, no digital readout on0 the TV .... the power was off. I got up and looked out on the dark street .... the very dark street. There were no lights anywhere to be seen. I grabbed the lantern and began to clean up and dress. No shower .... too cold .... no heat so I dressed quickly. By lantern light I put my makeup on hoping that the electricity would soon come back on ..... but no electricity.

I finally decided I would drive down to our local restaurant and see if they had power. Pulling into their parking lot it was apparent that there was no power anywhere in town. Everything was dark, but still hoping for some heat, hot tea and company I walked into the candle lit restaurant.

I not only found hot tea and heat, but the gas grill was working so I actually got an omelet. I sat there and chatted with the others who were seeking food and heat. It was a small group of regulars and as I sat there with them in the candlelight, I was filled with a sense of belonging. It is a good feeling to be surrounded by community, people who know you and enjoy you.

I have to say that I love this community God has brought me to. I am so grateful for the love and acceptance I have found here.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hayden Day

I got to see my grandson yesterday. I took him an Easter Basket. As you can see he thought the grass was one of the most fun things in the basket.

It took me back to when his father was that age. He was so cute and so active. Hayden looks just like him. I had to laugh because he acted just like him as well. The same temper, same drive and curiosity. I found that I just wanted to wrap him up and take him home with me.

But I came home alone .... it was the first time in weeks that I felt that tug of loneliness when I pulled into the garage. So I scrolled through the photos I had taken and began to plan when I could see him again.

I have heard that being a grand parent is a wonderful thing .... I am thinking that could be true.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Heart Song

I love to sing. Singing has always been an important part of my life. As a child I entertained the world everywhere I went ... I was "Connie the Dancing Girl". In school I sang loud and was in every choir they would let me sing in. In college I finally came into my stride as a singer. My guitar went with me everywhere. And I sang my way through life.

Over the years I found that I loved to sing in small groups. especially quartets and duets. It was about that time that God answered the prayer of my heart and gave me a friend. And she loved to sing as well. Our voices were great together. We spent hours singing. Sometimes she would harmonize and sometimes I would and sometimes we would trade it around. It brought a deep satisfaction to me.

But life brought changes and my heart friend and singing partner and I were separated by geography and circumstances. For many years I did not sing. It was a quiet grief to me, but I tried to bury it deep. Then slowly I began singing again. But still there was the sadness that I was always singing alone.

Tonight I chatted with my heart friend and we began to make plans to get together and to sing together. I was so amazed at how my heart soared to think about it. To not only be together ... but to sing together.

The depth of my response tells me how much I have missed this, how much I have missed her .... how much I need this. It is time... time to sing ... time to sing a heart song.

I wonder what this song will be .....

Just Connie

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Man Day

Several years ago I was made an honorary man by our Men's Ministry group. I really enjoy my time with them and I have learned a lot by working alongside the men. But this morning they really surprised me yet again.

I was really blessed this past summer when many of the men came and helped me do some remodeling. They also helped with some yard work that left a huge pile of limbs and building debris. They told me to just burn it. What they didn't know is that I had never burned anything before. Even as a child when it was my job to do the burning I would run and hide .... it scared me. And I have to admit that even at my old age, it was very overwhelming to even contemplate. So for a year the debris has sat there staring at me. I have mowed around it, tried to ignore it and tried to get the courage to deal with it. But I did not. I also did not tell anyone of my struggle.

But one of the men realized that I had not burned it and invited everyone to come and help. I felt like crying, I could not believe that they would do that for me. So for several hours we cut brush and made the pile bigger and lit it up. Now tonight there is a smell of smoke in the air and I am pleasantly tired. The pile is gone and the yard looks good, I even got the grass mowed.

I am reminded yet again at how important we are too each other. The areas that I am weak, others come alongside me, strengthen me and teach me. With this kind of love and support I feel like I can do anything.

I am an honorary man hear me roar ....

Just Connie

Friday, April 8, 2011

Lazy Day

I have had a lazy day. I went and worked out this morning and then I came home and went to bed. How lazy is that. I slept for two hours. Then I got up and watched some old movies, answered e-mail and tried to ignore the phone. After fielding yet another call, I decided to drive into Dallas and get some of my errands done. So I spent a couple of hours shopping and meandered back home.

I heated up some leftovers and have been watching TV while the dogs have played outside in the surprisingly good weather. I am beginning to yawn and think about bedtime.

I have not done any housework, I have not accomplished anything on my to do list ... yet I rather think it was a good day. I think I do not have these kind of days very often, especially this last month or so. I guess I do not feel guilty for a day spent resting.

Tomorrow I will hit the ground running and get some real work done. Yep .... these kind of days do not last long enough.

Just Connie

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pastor's Cabinet Meeting

Tonight was Pastor's Cabinet. I love these people! How could you not love people whose main job is to help you stay healthy as a pastor. Our meetings are full of love and laughter and creative ideas.

Tonight I fessed up that I have not been able to find insurance. Sigh .... it is hard but true. I have found that the insurance companies think I am too high a risk. That is so surprising to me since I feel so healthy. But the reality is that one of the things that Gerrald left with me me was Hepatitis C. I really do very well with it and I work to stay healthy and fit. I am finding that the diagnosis of Hep C is too big for insurance companies to want to insure.

So I will keep looking for coverage and still work to keep myself healthy. I will do what I can. Insured or not insured God will bring me through. I have a lot of people praying for me and that is a very good feeling.

Just Connie

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Small Town Thoughts

I love life in a small rural community. I love the feeling of being connected with other people as we live our lives together. I grew up that way. In Burlington, the town I grew up in, we knew everybody and that always gave me the feeling that other people were there to back me up.

There are many ways that living in Willamina has taken me back to that time. But there are some things that are very different, Willamina is actually a larger town than what I grew up in. We have a mayor and a city council here. We also have a Chamber of Commerce and other civic groups to help the community.

When I was assigned to Willamina as a pastor, it was important to me to be involved in the community, to have a voice in what was happening and to give back to the community in a very tangible way. So I joined the Chamber of Commerce and the EID which is the "Economic Improvement District". (the church is on Main street) I even joined the Kiwanis. Like me, many of the same faces pop up in all of those groups.

Recently, I have been elected to some board positions in these groups. That really keeps me plugged in and keeps me at the center of community life. It sometimes keeps me going to meetings and more meetings, but the outcome has been worth it.

I am of the opinion that God hard wired me for small town life. I know that I need other people and that this feeling of connectedness is part of my overall health. I find that I am still learning new things about myself and about what I need. I am glad to be in a place where I can explore these boundaries and build a life that is glorifying to God and healthy for me. Those things should never be at odds with each other.... and yet in church life they so often are, But not for me!

So onward and upward .... there are no limits.

Just Connie

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Work Out Goals

I had realized that as I had hibernated at home over the past year that my weight slowly began to creep up. Where I was once fit and trim and was not fit and no where close to trim. So I made the big step and joined a local gym. The sad thing is that the gym membership does not magically melt the weight off. You have to actually go and work out. Can you believe that?

In January I began to get more regular in my workouts. i was shooting for three days a week. Last month I kicked it up to 5 days a week and increased my cardio time. I would love to say that it is lots of fun .... but the reality is that it often is not. It is exhausting and inconvenient and makes me all sweaty. But I think it is really important to my overall health.

I guess it is a reminder that the things in life that are the best for us, often take work and discipline. In my devotions, my sermon prep .... even in my friendships. So I will keep working out because it is good for me. I guess not everything has to be fun .... but if there is a way to make this fun, I bet I find it!

Just Connie

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I did not preach today! That is downright shocking. But in my congregation I have 3 other pastors. So I made the decision to schedule some of the other pastors in the congregation to preach leading up to Easter. I have to admit that it was hard to give up pulpit time. But I really wanted to both offer a time for my fellow pastors to share and to have a build up to Easter.

So over the next 2 weeks I will concentrate on my 2 Easter messages (one for the Sunrise service and one for church) and get some planning and desk work done.

I am looking forward to hearing what God lays on the hearts of my fellow pastors. This will be a wonderful time.

Just Connie

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Meeting Roller Coaster

I have just spent two days in leadership classes. I found them enjoyable, challenging, irritating and tiring. It was kind of a roller coaster of experience and emotions.

I think one of the things I struggle with is that I am usually the one creating process and not having to conform to someone else's process. I am sometimes annoyed at how slow it is moving and at other times resenting the feeling of being herded.

But all in all, I feel these leadership classes have real value for me and for the community I live in. I am going to strive to find the good and try to learn some new things in the process.

I think I can do it, I think I can do it .....

Just Connie