Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hunting 2012

For the first time in over 20 years I went on the annual family hunting trip. I did not realize how much I missed it until I was there. So much had changed since the last time I went with the family. We are hunting in a completely different area, I stayed in a cabin with running water and electricity all big changes. However some things did not change. There was still lots of laughter and love and lots of big gorgeous country.

This photo was taken while bear hunting with my nephew. Most normal people would go sit in a tree and wait for the bear to come to them. Not so in my family, We headed straight up the mountain. Straight up ... and up and up. It reminded me that I am 20 years older than I was the last time I did this. But I have to admit that it was a lot of fun .. and the scenery just breathed peace into my soul.
I was very glad that my nephew let me tag along with him and that he was patient with my much slower pace. It was great to spend time with him, great to be out in such a beautiful place and great to challenge myself a bit. I am already planning next year's trip.
Next time I think I will take the whole two weeks to be with them. I am pretty sure that I can bear with my family for two whole weeks. Now can they bear with me for two whole weeks?
Just Connie

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Deer Hunting

I have spent the last two days in a flurry of packing and preparation. Tomorrow morning bright and early I pull out to spend a week with my family deer hunting.

Deer hunting in my family is a huge gathering ... aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews ... everybody comes. It is a time to enjoy being together and enjoy being outdoors. It is less about the deer and more about being family. I have not been able to be with the family for the annual hunting trip for almost 20 years.

Tonight I am staying with mom and dad helping them pack the last of their gear for a two week trip. Then we will begin the long trek to Eastern Oregon. I am looking forward to be with my family and looking forward to getting to know the new area they are hunting in since I used to go with them.

I have to say there is also a little bit of nervousness. I do not spend much extended time with  my family and sometimes I have to admit that I feel like an outsider. But still I am choosing to look for ways to connect and to let my family know that they are important to me.

Because they are important to ome and I love them ... and that is enough.

Just Connie

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hope Puppy

One of the joys of my backpacking trip was Hope Puppy. She was constant entertainment. She not only carried her own pack full of supplies, she was game to walk logs over creeks, follow me up rocks and still have enough energy to chase a few sticks.

I am so glad for the gift of love and companionship she has brought into my life. She makes my life better and richer in so many ways.

Just Connie

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Phantom Bridge

Almost 4 years ago my friend Debbie lost her valiant fight against cancer. With her passing I lost a friend, hiking partner, confident and co-worker.

There are so many things I miss about her. Her humor, her certainty that she was right, and her absolute love of her friends and family.

One of the long standing jokes between us was Phantom Bridge. A place that she hiked to as a young girl and a place that she tried to find to take us over and over again. We probably went on search about 5 times a season. Over the years we began to call it Deb's "mythical place". When she passed away we still had not found it and I so wished we could have done that together.

Last Friday my backpacking group found Phantom Bridge. As I hiked to the top I was filled with a renewed sense of how much I missed Debbie. I stood there and gazed out over the misty hills and thought of her.

I think there will always be a Debbie sized hole in my life but I think it is not the hole that is important. It is the many ways that she added to my life.

Her life changed me and I guess when you think about it, that is the best tribute of all.....

Just Connie

Backpack 2012

Here is our group at the trail head ready to begin our trip. This year we had 4 children hiking with us. Ages 9, 7, 7 and 4.

Hiking with young children added a new complexity to the entire experience as well as a new richness. It was so much fun to point things out on the trail and to see them experiencing things for the very first time.

It also challenged me to be stronger and more together to make sure they were protected and that it was a good experience for them.

We saw some incredible beauty and I feel so fortunate that we could see what so few people get to experience for themselves. It was worth the sweat, the dirt and the sore muscles.

I have to say that hiking with the kids was entertaining. I do not remember when I have laughed so much. To see them catch their first fish and their reactions was sheer delight.

We are already planning next year's hike. I think I will spend a few days writing about some of our experiences on the trail.

It was a wonderful trip but I am glad to be home.

Just Connie