So often I feel like all I do is put out fires. There are conflicts between people, ruffled feelings, a committee that is not getting along, differences of opinions ... all of which I spend an incredible amount of time in.
Recently I have been putting out fires in both the church and the community. I find it intriguing how often I am called in for "non church" issues. I think it is something I do well, and with great satisfaction but when they begin to pile up on top of each other I begin to find myself drained.
This past week I am finding myself stressed and tired and it is a symptom that I need to respond to. It tells me I am taking more out of my resources than I am putting in. It is time to carve out some quiet time and spend less time working and more time re-creating and restoring.
So I am looking for ways to get away, take a deep breath and not work on problems for a while. I think perhaps Hope Puppy and I need to spend a couple of days at the creek enjoying each other.
Now that sounds like a good idea.
Just Connie