Saturday, June 5, 2010

Graduation Celebration

I went to a graduation today. It was wonderful to be there and lend my support to a young lady who has worked very hard. It was wonderful to see three generations of her family there to support her. She is the first one from their family to ever go on to education beyond high school. They were all so proud of her and it blessed my heart to see their love and approval of her.

I think it is important for families to celebrate those milestone moments. As we join together and rejoice we have a unity and strength that is beyond ourselves. I have a feeling that we should probably do more celebrating than we do. Just think how things might be different if we found something to celebrate every week? How about every day? I have a feeling it would lighten our hearts and bring strength for the challenges and difficulties we face every day.

I think I will look for something for the critters and I to celebrate. it will be good for us. They are always up for a party.

"Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate." Luke 15:23

Just Connie

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