Friday, March 2, 2012


Quietness .... it is surrounding me this evening like a warm fuzzy blanket. The fire is adding a soft glow to the room and the dogs are curled up on the couch next to me. I am filled with a sense of peace as I enjoy a very rare quiet evening at home.

Having my son staying with me has been a wonderful opportunity to get to know the man he has grown into. It has been nice to have company and someone to unwind with at the end of the day. However .... at times I find that I miss having alone time.

But currently my son is spending a few days in Salem working and that means the doggies and I are on our own. This morning I slept in, puttered around the house, went out for coffee and then came home and took a nap. A wonderful day of peace and relation that has been very rare as I have struggled to throw off the last of my illness.

So I will enjoy every moment of  two rare days off. I will get some extra rest and I will perhaps even get a few things done around the house. But mostly I will let the peace and quiet flow through me.

And that is a very good feeling indeed ....

Just Connie

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