Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Spent some time at the Fire Department today just wandering around and chatting with people. It is one of the ways to help me know how morale is doing and if we have any potential problems developing at the station.

I usually come away from these trips to the station buoyed by what I have seen and experienced. This morning was like that. There is a positive outlook that is exciting to see and a confidence in their leaders that speaks of great things to come.

I found myself walking away from the station with a smile on my face. Not only that but I am looking forward to the next time that I go down and spend some time with  our firefighters and EMTs. It tells me that I am beginning to expect good things and that is a pretty good feeling.

As I have thought about that, it has reminded me that our expectations often shape our experiences. I often get out of something exactly what I am expecting, whether that is people, events or workplaces. If I am expecting good things, good things will often follow and conversely when I expect problems and challenges I often get them. Kind of a self fulfilling prophecy.

I think I am going to try to live life with greater expectations. For myself, for people for the things my life connects with. I wonder what would be different for me if I can do this ....?

I think it would be fun to find out ....

Just Connie

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