Saturday, March 15, 2014

Unexpected Journey

For the last two weeks I have been on an unexpected journey. It is not a destination I ever wanted or expected, but suddenly there I was.

It began so normally with a mild cold and suddenly I was being rushed to the hospital unable to breathe. I can remember focusing blurrily on the doctor in the ER and saying, "But I have very mild asthma". I do not remember what he said, but I remember the IV's, the oxygen and then being wheeled into a room.

That morning began a 7 day stay in the hospital that was totally out of the norm of my experience. Massive steroids, every two hour breathing treatments and the constant struggle to breathe. Now that I am finally home and things are coming back into focus some things are rising to the surface about this journey.

First of all, I am very thankful for medical staff and their expertise, knowledge and experience that is bringing healing to me. I am overwhelmed by their patience and kindness as they have worked to help.

Secondly, I am grateful for friends who have gathered around me to make sure that I was ministered to during this. They took me to the hospital, brought me supplies and faithfully sat by my side to help chase discouragement away. they have been a gift that continues to help me walk this path with courage.

Thirdly, I am grateful for a church congregation and denomination that is praying so faithfully for me all the way through this. They have over and over given me the assurance of love and the reminder that God is good.

I have to say that I am not looking forward to the continued recovery process ... but I am looking forward to being well. To being able to breath and move and get back to ministry and life once again. So I will follow doctors orders, spend time praying, resting and giving my body the chance to heal.

Somehow I have a feeling that this process is going to be fairly challenging for me....

Just Connie

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