I watched with anticipation each morning as my lung function kept coming up. I was also watching the dates on the calendar. Because I wanted to be ready for the hiking trip to Eagle Creek. I had not been there for about 8 years and I was looking forward to seeing it once again.
The day of the hike dawned bright and clear with a projected high of over 70 degrees. at 7:30am I grabbed my hiking stuff, loaded Hope Puppy in the car with her pack and headed to McMinnville to pick up my hiking partner and friend. And before I knew it we were on our way to the Columbia Gorge.

Arriving at the trailhead, I looked with dismay at the mass of people and cars. Finding no place to part, I finally found a place on the shoulder about a mile away from the trailhead. Locking the car and swinging my pack onto my shoulder, I heard a sound that no hiker wants to hear. The sound of one of the plastic clips that secure the shoulder strap breaking. I looked with dismay at my pack which was now laying on the ground. Running my hands along the strap, it became very clear to me that there was no way to secure the shoulder strap for hiking. As I was frantically trying to think of something, anything that I could use, I suddenly remembered the length of rope I keep in my Wildland Duffle bag to practice trying knots with. Digging through the bag I was beginning to be afraid that it was not there, when my hand felt it in the bottom of my bag. So taking the bright red rope I tied the shoulder strap to the pack and headed to the trailhead to meet my friend who had been waiting for me while I parked the car.

We finally headed up the trail and yes it was crowded, but it was beautiful. It felt so good to be out in such gorgeous country. Well it felt good until I began the 6 miles downhill on the way back. Then my knees began to spasm and complain. By the time we made it to the car, I was all done in. I did not feel so bad when I realized that my hiking partner was also hobbling around.
It was a great day. I am thankful that we could go, that my body cooperated for the most part and that we have such incredible places of beauty nearby. I can hardly wait until our next hike!
Hopefully by then some of this soreness will have worked itself out!
Just Connie
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