Friday, February 3, 2017


I am blessed to have friends. Some friends I have had for decades, others for years and still others for months. All of them are precious to me.

This morning I met with a group of friends that meet for breakfast on Fridays. There is a lot of silliness and laughing and we always have a good time. I came away with a smile on my face as I got in the car and headed to the fire station to meet with yet more of my friends.

From there I headed back home to do some house cleaning, when friends dropped in to have me read their papers they were getting ready to turn in and helped me vacuum the house. Now that is friendship!

I put my feet up for an hour or so and then got ready to head to Salem to have dinner with a friend I used to work with at the Mission. I had a wonderful time with him and I am so glad that we are able carve out time together. I am always thankful for the time we spend together.

After dinner, I headed home to wait for yet another friend. A ministry friend who is serving as a missionary right now and that I do not get to see very often. She is speaking at the church on Sunday and her plane came into Portland tonight and she drove to Willamina to stay with me. So we will have a couple of days to get caught up and enjoy some time together.

Days like today remind me how important other people are in my life. I need them, their love, their support, their wisdom and the uniqueness of who they are. I believe that each of them are a gift from God.

I am feeling pretty blessed ....

And that is a great way to end the day.

Just Connie

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