Thursday, June 23, 2011

American Dreams

“A dream starts in your heart and ends in your feet.”

That unknown quote jumped off the page as I read it. It made me wonder how often I sit and expect my dreams to come swooping down on me… without getting up and working for it? The reality is that achieving our dreams is a lot of hard work.

Over two hundred years ago our forefathers put their lives on the line to offer liberty to this fledgling nation. They fought and worked hard to build a nation that would offer equality for all. Each generation of Americans has worked towards that dream. Countless men and women have laid down their lives so that we might live that dream of freedom. Today there are American soldiers around the globe standing in harm’s way to help make that dream a reality.

I think we have a great country but I see something that scares me in American today. I see an apathy that hurts my heart as a pastor and as an American. It is an apathy that makes us feel like we do not make a difference, that nothing we do will ever change anything. It is an apathy that keeps us from celebrating the many things that are very right with our country. It is apathy that keeps us from working towards the dream. It saps us of our energy and it makes the dream an impossibly remote goal.

My prayer for our country is that if we Christians would begin to work hard to make the dream a reality once again.we would change our world.  We can make a difference if we are willing to put our feet to work to achieve the dream.

“One nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.” Now that is a dream worth fighting for.

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1

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