Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Reflexes of a Cat

I have the reflexes of a cat. At least that is what I keep telling myself. My years of gymnastics has blessed me with good balance and endurance. In fact, you might say I take pride in my physical ability.

Recently I got to practice my physical dexterity when I went mushroom hunting with friends. I love being out in the woods, it fills me with a sense of God’s goodness and His infinite creativity. I was having a good time climbing up and down steep canyon walls while searching for Chantrelles. As I searched, I walked across a mossy log on the edge of a precipice looked out over the misty vista and sighed with pleasure. Turning back to the task at hand, I took another step. Just as I was ready to put my foot down, I saw it … there right under my foot was a beautiful golden mushroom. I balanced easily on one foot and called to my mushroom partner.

With glee, I did a half pirouette on the log and bent down to capture my prize …. and that was the moment the log gave way. My “cat like reflexes” and I went tumbling over the edge. Head over heels … over and over and over I went until I finally came to a crashing halt in a pile of brush. As I laid there with my head in the ferns and waited for the world to stop spinning, this Bible verse came to mind:

“First pride, then the crash— the bigger the ego, the harder the fall.” Proverbs 16:18 (The Message)

And people say that God has no sense of humor ….

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