Monday, November 10, 2014

A Good Obedient Daughter

I just got back from a Fire Conference. It was the first one I had ever been at. Right now my head is filled to the bursting point with new information. I have a feeling that it will take me some time to process everything that I learned.

One of the things I was instructed to do (by my father of course) was to bring back a fireman. His ongoing campaign to find a man for my life. Soooo being a good obedient and dutiful daughter I brought back this fireman.

For some reason ... he called me a brat.

Sooooo still trying to be a good and obedient daughter I decided that instead I would bring back this fine fellow. A knight in shining armor.

For some reason he once again  called me a brat.

Sometimes you can't please anyone!

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