Tuesday, January 17, 2017


One of the harsh realities of life is that I am alone. I sleep alone, I go to work alone, I come home alone, I go to the Dr alone, I get bad news alone .... Well you get the idea. Over the past 8 years I have adjusted and gotten used to it for the most part. I have a great family who cares about me, I have friends who care and want to know what is going on and how they can help.

However, today I am finding it to be one of those days when being alone is rubbing raw. Today I am tired of being alone, tired of dealing with life by myself, tired of being sick by myself, tired of getting bad news by myself ... tired of being alone.

But the reality is that I am alone. I have chosen to embrace that, learn from it and grow stronger. I have learned to depend on God in new and deeper ways because of it. I have purposefully deepened friendships and my support networks. All of that has grown out of being alone. I recognize that and I am thankful for that.

But today ... Today the aloneness is hurting. I know it won't last, tomorrow will be better. But still there is today. I am thinking it is a good afternoon to cuddle with Hope Puppy in front of the fire. It is impossible to be lonely and sad with a lap full of border collie.

Just Connie

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