Sunday, March 5, 2017

A New Day, A New Perspective

What an emotional rollercoaster I feel like I have been on. That is a very difference experience for me as I am usually on a pretty even keel. It reminded me that I need to be taking care of myself physically, emotionally and spiritually. They are are interwoven and I need to look at my life holistically.

Though I hate to admit it the overnight oxygen is actually helping. I rested better last night and woke with more energy than I have had in weeks. That is strengthening the continual steps of healing. Tomorrow morning I will get up at 5am and return to my yoga class. That will not only be a positive for my physical health but for my emotional health as well.

Spiritually, I will be back to a more normal schedule at the church. Tomorrow is sermon and study day and I am really looking forward to digging into where God is calling me in the weeks ahead. I will also have more time to spend in quiet reflection and more time in ministry which will energize my spiritual life. There is nothing like walking with certainity on the path God is calling you to walk to recharge your spirirual batteries. Obedience is so important.

Emotionally I will continue to try to be honest with friends and family though I often find it hard to do, especially when my heart is broken. But I am working on being a better and more honest friend. I am so very grateful for the people that God is putting  in my life that love me and care how I am dealing with the happenings of my life.

I am grateful for Dr's who are honest with me and are working hard to bring my life back and health back to me. I am blessed and I believe that God has good things ahead for me. That strengthens me, fills me with courage and optimism and prepares me to keep traveling the road stretching before me.

I am ready to forge ahead, to not get lost in fear, exhaustion and words that strip my confidence and hope.  Tomorrow is a new day and will be filled. With new things, with joy and challenge.

I can hardly wait ...

Just Connie

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