Monday, November 15, 2010

Sermon Day

Today is my study and sermon day. Can you picture the soft music, quiet prayer and contemplation? That is always how my study day plays out in my mind. My first clue today that it was not going to be like that was the 4th phone call. One of which was a counseling call and was a lengthy problem to unwind. About the time I got focused back on the scripture passage for Sunday the drop in visitors began to arrive. In pairs and groups and singles they kept coming. Problems, hellos, information ... they came all day long.

The amazing thing to me is that at the end of the day, the sermon was wrapped up, the closing song chosen and a myriad of other issues dealt with and put away as well. In spite of the interruptions or the way my day had been planned, ministry happened.

I think it was a good reminder for me that ministry is found more in the people moments than then quiet contemplative moments. In spite of me ... ministry happens.

Just Connie

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