Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Spring Time Bunny

Bubba Bunny is an entertaining housemate. Over the years he has kept me laughing as he has ruled his kingdom with an iron paw. When he hit puberty he decided that it would be a good idea to have baby bunnies with the dog. The dog was NOT in favor of the idea. A trip to the vet fixed that problem and we settled into "life as normal".

Bubba's "life as normal" is that no one can mess with his kingdom. His kingdom is everything he can see ... especially the family room. Last summer I got in big trouble when I remodeled the entire room including ripping out the hearth that was "his special place". He has never approved of the wood floors and he has spent  most of his time grumping behind the pellet stove since the remodel.

I knew Spring had arrived at my house when I got up yesterday and found that Bubba Bunny had migrated to the other end of the house. He was tearing around the front room, doing little flippy dos while the dog watched in bemusement. He was having the time of his life on the carpeted floor. Back and forth and back and forth he would leap and run. I stood there and laughed at him as he tore around and thoroughly enjoyed himself. When I left he had curled up with the sheepdog and they were both sleeping. He was a happy little bunny.

I think it was good to have a reminder of spring, since it has not been very evident in the weather. Perhaps I should do a little spring time leaping for joy as well. It would probably be pretty good for me and the neighbors couldn't think I am any crazier than they all ready do.

But I think I will skip the flippy dos.

Just Connie


t-dcrawford said...

That is a great picture. That is one of the best ones you have had of Bubba Bunny!

caro_watt said...

I would do flippy dos with you any day of the week! Of course, I would also throw myself over your china and sacrifice myself for your dishes. Awww - memories. How precious they are.

Come on over to Astoria-town - and we will do flippy dos all over the place. Like you, my neighbors can't think I'm any weirder than they already do either. And who wants to be nornal anyway?

(Is is the first weekend in June yet?- Can't wait!). Love you.