I then get all of my pre treatment medications and pack then in a bag to take to yoga class with me. When I get to yoga class. I take the first round of pre meds which is mostly steroids to
Then I wash my hands and begin to put everything together. When I am done it looks like this. (Photo 2) So at this point medication is loaded in the syringe, I have all the mid and post treatment drugs prepared and I am ready for my helper to come.
Before I can have treatment I to do a breathing treatment for my lungs.
Carolyn comes in and gets scrubbed up and we discuss needle placements. She does a great job and I am very thankful for her willingness to come and help.
Over the next 15 minutes she will place the three needs for me and get them taped down.
Filing the syringe with 50ccs of Gamma globulin
When everything has run its course I will call Carolyn and she will pop up from the Fire Station and remove my needles for me if she can break away. Otherwise I will do it.
It is wonderful to have these treatments at home. I do get tired of how much time it takes out of my life for two treatments a week and all the Dr's and Hospitals that are part of the process. Grateful for them, but in my heart of hearts I would wish for something easer to incorporate into my busy life

And this is my heart friend Carolyn. A friend for over 30 years, who loves me and helps me and is will to be trained in how to set my needles for me.
Other questions that peoples ask me .... Does it hurt? Yes but the pain does not last long. It is a small price to pay for life. Am I mad about my illness. No I am not mad, sometimes filled with grief or uncertainty but not angry.
The reality is that illness is here because of original sin. Scripture tells us that the rain falls on the just and the unjust. Which means bad stuff happens to all of us.
So knowing I have this very serious illness going on, I have made some personal choices.
1. I choose to faithfully rely on God and strive to grow in understanding, love and relationship as I journey.
2. I choose trust. Ultimately trust in God and trust in His abundant love for me.
3. I choose to make my life to the best of my ability to not center around my illness and treatments.
4. I choose to love extravagantly and invest in the people God has brought into my life.
5. I choose joy. It will be infused nd empowering my journey and give hope to my future and those who journey with me.
I just want to thank you for your prayers, your faithful and your love that blesses and humbles me.
Looking forward to where this journey takes us.
Just Connie
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