Saturday, June 27, 2009

An Incredible Day

Yesterday was incredible. My ordination last night was everything that I hoped it would be. It was a sacred time of commitment and affirmation. I am so grateful for a denomination that recognizes the call and offers a place of ministry so freely.

It was especially meaningful to have my parents and daughter there. They have walked with me these past years and their joy for me was evident. I am grateful for the unqualified love and support. It made the ceremony even more meaningful to have them with me.

There were also many of the people from the Willamina congregation who came to share this special time with me. It made me feel loved and welcomed to have them travel all that way to be there with me. I am so looking forward to serving in Willamina and being with people who love me and are glad that I am coming.

As I knelt in front of my colleagues and friends I was humbled by the opportunity to serve. As my fellow elders gathered around and prayed for me, I had a sense of the generations of ministers who had made this same commitment and vow before me. What a wonderful heritage, it gives me a goal for the future.

“devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. 14Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you.” 1 Timothy 4:13-14

I am looking forward to tomorrow. It will be my first day at the Willamina Church as one of their pastors. I think God will do great things in the days ahead. I also think it will take everything I am. I also think that is a very good thing.

Just Connie

1 comment:

caro_watt said...

I wish I had been there for you. Congratulations - even if it is late. Love you.