Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday Musings

Mondays .... I love them! They are my sermon and study day. It is always exciting to see where God takes me as I begin to study. So often it is not where I thought I would be ... but always so much better.

Now my sermon is done, the information has been sent to all the sound guys and the office staff. That means it is time to work on the Easter Sunrise service. This year I have been put in charge of the congregational singing. I do not often get a chance to sing (which I love to do) I need to transpose some traditional Easter songs into a key I can play them in. This Monday just gets better and better.

In a little while I will throw on my workout clothes and head to the gym. After that a quick trip home to clean up, eat and then head back to the church for a meeting. I can see rays of sunshine through the stained glass in my office. That looks promising as well.

Mondays are wonderful!

Just Connie

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