This is what greeted me when I opened my office today. Everywhere I looked there was the face of the young lady who does the bulletin for me every week. A variety of expressions ... all of them silly ... and all of them wonderful.
I have to admit that I have always loved April Fools Day but have not had the chance to prank people in the last 10 years or so. But my family can tell you a whole list of pranks I played on them over the years. One of my favorites was the year I switched all the drawers in my mom's kitchen around. It was so handy they were all the same size. And it was the gift that kept giving until she finally got them all switched back around a couple of weeks later.
Every time I looked up today and saw this wonderful prank I laughed as I looked around my office. In fact I enjoyed them so much that I left them up today. It made me feel ... well loved.
And that is a pretty good feeling ...
Just Connie
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