Saturday, April 26, 2014

Unexpected Journey - Lessons Learned

Finally ... I feel like this unexpected journey is coming near to completion. My lung function is improving, there are no infections and I am feeling stronger day by day, All of this is very encouraging. I have a Cat scan and an appointment with the pulmonologist this week and I am expecting to hear good things,

I realize that this journey is not over, but I can see the destination in front of me. And as I near the end, I have been reflecting over some of the things that I have learned as I have traveled this path.

First of all, I have learned to ask for help. That was so very hard, even humbling myself to ask for rides to the hospital. What I found was that people were so blessed to be asked and included.

Secondly, I have learned to not count my worth by what I can do physically. I knew that with my brain but my heart really struggled to apply that to me. My worth is found in my relationship with God and that alone defines who I am.

Thirdly, I have been relearning how to say no. There are so many things I could be doing at any given time and people are always willing to fill my schedule for me. I am paring down and focusing on the things that are very important to me.

I realize that the learning is not over. There are still things to learn as I continue on this path. I am hopeful that I can continue to let hope light the way as I continue to follow the twists and turns.

There will be beauty in this journey, I just need to watch for it.

Just Connie

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