Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Sinus Procedure

Today I presented myself to my Ear, Nose and Throat specialist for another sinus procedure. To scrape any scar tissue and clean whatever needed to be cleaned up from the surgery several weeks ago.

That means that a deadening agent is sprayed into my sinuses which deadens most of it. (Including my tongue) Then scopes are used to see what needs to be done. The process is fairly ... Well uncomfortable and sometimes downright painful.

Everything went well, he was pleased with how things were healing and finally pronounced that he would see me in three months. I just about did a happy dance at that point. Lucky for him that I restrained myself. He had also received the report from the OHSU Immunologist from yesterday's appointment and had taken the time to read through everything.

I am truly blessed by doctors who care. Much of the forward progress has been because my ENT has gone to bat for me, searching for solutions when the easy path does not work. I wish I could express my appreciation and gratitude adequately for everything he has done. I think I will have to think about that and what I might be able to come up with.

So tonight I am grateful for what has been done and headachy from the procedure. That is not too bad a place to find myself.

Just Connie

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Swirling Thougts

I walked out of the immunologist's office with a multitude of emotions swirling around me. The was a surge of joy as I thought about the possibility that I might not need to go back into gamma globulin treatment. There was fear, as I my mind warned me to not get my hopes up. There was discouragement as I realized that more tests, more time still lay ahead of me before there would be answers for me.

As I have tried to sort all of this out today, I have realized that I am exhausted. Both mentally and physically I am tired, tired, tired. I am tired of the constant fight to be healthy and well. I am tired of the things that I have lost in the fight, time, money and energy. I am tired of arranging my life around my illness. I am emotionally discouraged from my weekend phone call and a vague sense of guilt that I am tired and discouraged tonight.

It occurs to me that if I was anyone else but me, I would say, rest, restore and feel the feelings. There are things to learn from what I am feelings and what I am facing. If I was anyone else but me I would not be beating them up for what they are feeling. But it also occurs to me that sometimes emotions lie.

So tonight I will go to bed early if the steroids will let me and let God speak peace to my heart.

It is a good thing God's grace is much more dependable than mine.

Just Connie

Monday, June 27, 2016

The Call

I struggled to keep my voice steady as I wiped tears from my face. But I could hear the break in my voice that told the caller on the other end that I was crying. It was not long before we were both crying as he continued to tell me the "news". I was crying from the hurt and anger I was feeling, he was crying because he hated hurting me.

As we ended the phone call, I laid my head down on my steering wheel. I could feel discouragement filling me as I reflected on everything that had been said. The unjustness of it cut deeply as I thought of the possible ramifications of all the choices that lay ahead of me. Knowing that I did not want to make a decision when emotions were running so deep, I started the car and headed home.

At home I tossed and turned as I tried to get to get to sleep, but my caller's words kept coming back and running circles in my head. I punched the pillow in frustration as I tried to make it a shape that would accommodate my aching head. As I laid back down, I sent up a quick prayer for peace and for God's perspective on an issue that was way too personal for me to be objective. And finally I slept.

Now I am several days past the "phone call". And yet I am still feeling the tug of discouragement lurking around the edges. I still have not decided what to do with the information that was shared with me. I know that I will have to make a decision at some point this week. I am still praying for peace and still seeking God's perspective and heart on a complicated problem.

Getting bad news is part of a pastor's life. Getting bad news and hearing that someone thinks I am the problem is fairly rare. Incredibly rare since I have moved to Willamina and been assigned to the Church here. I am thinking I am out of practice because in Portland it was not all that uncommon. I guess the trick is in how I handle it. Scripture tells me to pray for those who despitefully use me, to be loving and kind.  When everything in me, just wants to go to bed and ignore it.

Everything in me wants to have a reset button to 3 days ago, before I knew this. But yet here it is ... it is there like an ugly gaping wound. And I am feeling the pain of the wound ... I think ... I think ..... I think  need more time.

God's heart ... God's perspective ......

Just Connie

Monday, June 20, 2016

Family Time

I smiled as I pulled up to my parents house. Cars filled the driveway and lined the road and that meant .... My nephews, sister and children were all there ahead of me. I unloaded my suitcases and gifts and headed into the house. And there I was met with chaos. "We need you in the kitchen!", greeted me as I heard exclamations of relief that I was there.

I quickly realized that my nephew had just cut the tip of his finger off. I grabbed s wad of paper towels in one hand as I grabbed my nephews hand with the other. As I applied pressure, I yelled over my shoulder to my son to get my first aid kit out of my car.

Over the next 30 minutes I continued to apply pressure as I worked to slow the bleeding down. Of course my family being what it is, I also dealt with the treatment comments ..."rub some dirt on it .... Tell him to walk it off". As I continued to work on his finger I called for my son to look for the finger tip so I could see how much was cut off. He finally found the finger tip in the slicer my nephew had been using on potatoes. And that is when my big tough son began gagging and choking. My son who has gutted hundreds of deer was struggling to actually pick up the finger tip. Being a loving concerned mother, I told him to eithe pick it up or find someone who could. As he carefully brought me the finger tip, cradled in gauze, I saw with relief that it was not as big as I feared and continued to work.

Finally I was ready to apply a pressure bandage  and send him off to the hospital for treatment. Of course the hardest part of that was convincing him to go. But we actually got him out the door and I looked with disbelief around me. It looked like we had been slaughtering pigs in there. My incredible little sister began cleaning it up ad I began to scrub the blood off me.

I took a deep breath and looked with thankfulness at my family. Everyone worked together in an emergency and it renewed my thankfulness for all of them. I think that it is times like this that really test what it means to be a family. I think we came through in flying colors.

My family is loving and strong. We meet life and heartache and keep on going. I am glad for the gift of family and glad for the generations of strength that has brought us here, a heritage of overcoming and meeting whatever challenge we face.

Yes, I am thankful .... Now I need to replenish my first  aid kit. I seemed to have mostly emptied it of supplies. Yep I love family time!

Just Connie

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Well it finally happened ... My face hurts as much as my friend Carolyn has always told me it hurts her. Today I had the follow up procedure from my sinus surgery two weeks ago. The Dr says it is inflamed and bruised but the infection is better. Now 5 hours later, the locals have worn off and .... Well my face hurts.

This has been quite a journey over the last 5 years. I get an infection because my immune system is compromised, the infection triggers my asthma and my lungs crash. So which is the problem? The immune system? My sinuses? Or my asthma? The specialist who saw me today says ... Yes. It is all of them and they are so intertwined they really cannot be separated. He is wanting me to go back on gamma globulin treatment just as the new  pulmunologist does as well.

Sigh ... I have to admit that it does not fill my heart with joy to think about being back on treatment. But I do like the thought of being off antibiotics and steroids. I am hopeful that the new immunologist might have some different options for me.

In just a couple of weeks I will see the new immunologist. I will probably not have answers that day. I would expect him to want to run blood tests and get my antibody levels. But at least there might be a direction, or the possibility of some choices. I am almost afraid to put out too much hope that it will be different. But hope is kind of what I do.

I am hopeful. Hopeful that I will be healed, hopeful that there will be answers, hopeful that it will not be horrible, hopeful for a new tomorrow.

And you know ..... I am thinking that hope is never the wrong choice.

Just Connie

Another Day, Another Procedure

In just a couple of hours I will report to the hospital for the next go around on my sinuses. I think the surgeon will be fairly pleased. I will be glad to have this one behind me. Because I have a lot to get done this week.

Tomorrow I will meet with the Yamhill County Chaplains. I am looking forward to being with them. It is only our second meeting so we are still getting to know each other. But it seems to be a good group. But like any group it takes time for the group to develop trust and begin to strip the layers of protection off. I look forward to seeing this group grow into it's potential.

So for now, I will run some errands and then report to the hospital. I guess it is good to have these appointments because otherwise I would never make it to town to get the errands done.

There has to be a better way to do it ....

Just Connie

Monday, June 13, 2016

Anual Conference

I just got back from 2 days at Annual Conference. Each year all the churches send their pastor's, delegates and others to this Conference. There we do the business of the District Church such as elections. The bishop is there and there are always inspiring messages and incredible worship.

This year the Conference began with prayer and worship. By the time, the Bishop and the Superintendent began the conference our hearts were ready to listen to God. We were challenged this year to focus on God and to re-engage. It was a very special time and I am so glad for the opportunity to meet as a group.

I also had opportunity to chat with the bishop and tell him a little bit about what the church has been doing. And of course I spent some time updating the Superintendent in what is going on with me, health wise.

One of the best parts of the Conference was getting assigned for another year to the Willamina Church. I love this Church and I love these people and the community. I am so glad that God has brought me here. Another huge highlight for me was one of my ministerial students receiving his Conference Miniaterial License. I was so proud of all of his hard work and I look forward to what God will be doing in and through him in the year ahead of us.

The downside of the conference was that I kept getting messages and phone calls from my specialists and the hospital as they were trying to get things set up for this week. It looks like another procedure on my sinus' tomorrow and a test on my lungs next Monday up at OHSU. It will be good to get all this testing done so I can move on to a long term treatment plan. And I see the OHSU immunologist at the end of the month. As much as I dread being back on gamma globulin treatment, it has become obvious to me that I cannot go on very long with these constant infections. So we will see what the immunologist has to say about my future.

I left the Conference encouraged and uplifted. Of course I also left laughing because my ministerial students decorated my car with balloons and feathers. I think they have way too much time on their hands. I am thinking it is time for some scripture memorization for them.

It was a busy weekend. Full of love and laughter and inspiration.

I guess that is about as good as a weekend can get.

Just Connie

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A Good Long Day

Today was a long day, a good day, but a loooooong day. I was up at 4:30 am for morning testing and then to yoga class. Leaving yoga, I hurried home, cleaned up, made breakfast and headed to the Fire Station making a quick stop for gas.

Once at the station I set my things in the Board room for staff meeting and then made the rounds, greeting staff, getting caught up on the news and then finally settling  in for the meeting. Since we had a lot going on and a major community event to prepare for the meeting ran long. By the time we finished up with the staff meeting it was time to move right into the a Union Negotiation meeting. By the time we were finally wrapt that up  and setting the date for the next meeting, it was well past lunch and I had missed the lunch time Kiwanis meeting. Grabbing the latest budget figures the Chief and I headed to the local burger joint to grab a late lunch and go over the figures together. For the next hour or so we ate, ran figures and got caught up on this week's crisises.

From there I headed to the Church to put an hour or so into preparing my handout outs for my presentation at the upcoming Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake Drill. By 3:45 I was back at the station to meet with the Fire Students to do Mental Health training with them in preparation for our part of the upcoming Drill. Wrapping up with them I then met with one of the staff and talked through a couple of issues and did a station walk about.

That is about the time I realized that my phone was not in my back pocket and after looking for it at the station, I finally headed back to the church to see if I had left it there. Which I had. (No wonder my phone was so quiet during the training meeting) seeing that it was after 6, I grabbed my things and headed home to let poor Hope Puppy out.

It was after I had plopped myself on the couch that I realized I had not prepared the Minutes for tomorrow morning's Chamber meeting. So it was back to the church for Hope Puppy and I to get the Minutes done. By 7:15 I was pulling back into the driveway with relief. Ready to call my day done.

Now I am relaxing, getting ready to read a good book and head to bed. It was a good day, but a long day and I am tired. I got a lot done and made some progress on a couple of my projects. Had a couple of important conversations and still have a pretty long to do list.

But after all .... Isn't that what tomorrow is for? All the stuff I didn't get done today?

Yeah .... Well that's my story and I am sticking to it.

Just Connie

Monday, June 6, 2016

Another Monday

Monday, Monday .... I really like Mondays. They are my sermon and study day and there is usually a lot going into the day as I prepare the sermon for next Sunday.

This morning I popped out of bed at 4:30 to do my lung function and blood sugar test before I headed into my early morning yoga class. Class was enjoyable as always but rally hard due to my decreased lung function and all the sinus pressure I am still struggling with. It is no fun to do a "downward dog" when it feels like your head is going to explode.

I headed back home,  cleaned up, started the dishwasher, had breakfast and was at the office by 8am to begin my study day. As always I was interrupted by phone calls, urgent messages and people who had to have my input right as I sought and prayed where the new sermon series was going to take us. But in spite of all the interruptions the series got planned and the sermon got written, printed and e-mailed to all the appropriate people with the appropriate art work.

Wrapping that up I made out the deposit slips for my check and headed to the neighboring community to put my check in the bank. While there I was paged by the Fire Department  ....for a call at ... wait a minute the Free Methodist Church? It was only moments when my phone was dinging with messages as everyone wanted to know if I was okay. Trying to get out of the bank and allay the fears of those worried about me, I hurried back to the church only to pass the medic on route to the hospital. My guess is one of our homeless had a medical emergency in front of the church after I left.

Then a quick stop into the Fire Station to remind the students that I needed to do some Mental Health Triage training with them. And then it was back to the church to meet with my appointment who was coming in to talk to me about a local ministers license and the process to ordination. I am very excited to have two current students and then this one in the beginning. I do not think there is a greater privilege than training the pastors of tomorrow and I am blessed by the opportunity to breathe life and strength into them as they journey towards ordination.

Soon I will run home and rest for a couple of hours before I head to the Fire Station to train with the Fire Students and then I will head to my evening yoga class. There are those who are surprised by how much time I am giving to yoga. But I am finding it is an important component to keep me moving and breathing.

Following yoga I will head home, have something light to eat and get ready for bed. Because tomorrow .... well tomorrow will be really busy!

Just Connie

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Long Road

I rested my head against the steering wheel as I reflected on my long awaited pulmonary appointment. I would need yet another test, this one measuring my reaction to a certain gas. They wanted me back on oral steroids and even worse, they wanted me back on gamma globulin. They also  set up a green, yellow, red treatment plan with clear guidelines for which medicines when. That will be pretty helpful as I try to determine "how bad is my breathing?".

One of the things the Dr said to me during the appointment was that he trusted me to know when to go to the hospital since I have done that before. It was all I could do to not laugh in his face. Because everytime I have gone in, either the Dr or the Fire Chief has forced me to go.

I came away with no clear answers and a bit of discouragement. I would sure like some clear answers and a sure game plan. However, it is what it is. So I will do my best to follow the guidelines I have been given and stay optimistic and positive as I continue this journey.

The road is long.... With many a winding turn ....

Just Connie (hopefully you caught the song reference)

Friday, June 3, 2016

This is the Day

I pulled into the parking lot of OHSU with no problems. I was a bit surprised that I remembered the way up the hill since it had been quite a few years since I had headed up that way. But once I finally found a parking spot I began following the printed directions that had been sent to me to find the pulmonary clinic. Up and down and around and around. I had forgotten what a maze of corridors and levels that hospital complex is. But I finally found the spot and of course caught everybody out to lunch. So I waited 20 minutes while I checked my e-mail, got caught up on facebook and enjoyed the view.

Finally, the staff was there and I could check in. I was 2.5 hours early for my appointment for the pulmonary lung function test, but I needed to  go and get my lung x-ray. As I got my directions I realized that the lab was back in the direction I started. So, I began the trek back through the maze, only having to stop for directions  twice in the process. Checking in, I had barely sat down when they were calling me back for the x-ray. IN no time at all I was on my way back through the maze of corridors and levels as I made my way back to the pulmonary testing lab. Now I was only an hour and 45 minutes early. So I sat down in the waiting room and read, checked my e-mail ... well you know the drill.

But finally they were calling me in and for the next 30 minutes I blew, held my breath, had various gases blown into me and had every part of my lung function tested including how my red hemoglobin cells were being oxygenated. The man giving the test was a real comedian and I enjoyed the time, which surprised me.  I did incredibly well with my lung function test. Testing at 125% of normal. It is good to be on an upswing, but I am half afraid the Drs will ask me what in the world I am wasting their time  with that kind of lung function. Before I knew if I was finding my way back through the maze (I gave up and went outside) found my car and headed to mom and dads.

So now it is the next morning. I have had a great (but short) time with my parents and soon I will be heading back up on the hill to find my way to the OHSU Dr's Pavillion (I know where that is) and see what the Drs have to say about my medical records and all of the records that were sent to them. I have to admit to a bit of apprehension. I just would so like to have a workable treatment plan that would help to stay on a more even keel.  To somehow find a way to get off of this roller coaster I have been on the last 5 months..... well the last five years to be honest.

So it is will hopefulness that I will load everything back into the car and head up to pill hill and see what answers I get.

This should be an interesting day ....

Just Connie

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Surgery Day

Today was the day. The day of the sinus surgery that would hopefully solve the months of on going infections. The Dr would be using a new device and would be suing this opportunity to perform the surgery he had been wanting to do for s year.

I had had a long conversation with the surgeon the night before about tranquilizers and narcotics.I told him that unless he tells me I should I really did not want either of them. I do not like how I feel on narcotics ... itchy, nauseous and fuzzy. He said that would be no problem and went on to explain that he had been practicing the new procedure on a dummy. It was all I could do to not laugh and tell him that was really appropriate. My heart friend Carolyn came and picked me up and drove me to the hospital. I was feeling calm and ready to get it done as the surgeon came out to the waiting room and took me back to where the procedure would be done.

It did not take long to sign the consent forms and have all my vitals taken. The doctor introduced me to the sales rep who would be watching the procedure and we chatted as the Dr made his own last minute preparations. He explained what he would be doing as the nurse laid out the last of the surgical tools he would need. The Dr then sprayed in the first of the deadening agents. And then the shots began. I have to admit that they were fairly uncomfortable. When the last of the locals had been given he then packed my sinuses with gauze soaked in yet another deadening agent. As we waited for them to take effect, we chatted about backpacking, area wineries and life.

And before I knew it, it was time to start. The Dr explained that he had decided to do both sides while he had the opportunity as he began to thread the scopes through my sinus to reach the sinus over my eyes. It was not too painful until he finally made it to the destination and then it was ... Well not fun. But that part did not last long and I was thankful for the nurse who let me grip her hand as I concentrated on not flinching or moving. Finally that side had been opened, irrigated and was finished.

Then it was time to begin on the other side and that is when it got harder. But the Dr stayed with it and two hours later we were done and I was telling the rep and the Dr how much I appreciated what they did for me. The long anticipated surgery was over.  Now it was time for recovery and follow up.

Before I knew it Carolyn and I were heading back to Willamina and I was looking with anticipation to my bed. Now, I am curled up in bed, mopping up my nose bleeds and eating just enough to keep me from getting nauseous.

Tomorrow I will head up to OHSU to meet with the pulmunologist and have some tests. It will be good to have that behind me as well. I am ready for some good news and a treatment plan to help keep my asthma under control.

All in all, this has been an amazing day and I am still living in hope that it will be successful and be part of the road to life and health.

Now if I could just be done with the nose bleed ..... But I am not complaining.

Just Connie

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A Hopeful Life

I was in the Chamber of Commerce meeting when the call came. I looked down at my phone and saw that it was my immunologist. Surprised, I picked it up and excused myself from the room. He had gotten my update letter and was distressed that I was caught in another round of constant infections and lung problems. He had been hopeful that the macrolide therapy would prove beneficial in fighting the infection while I was off gamma globulin therapy and was very disappointed that had not been the case. He expressed over and over how sorry he was that I was having such problems with it. And sorry for the horrible issues I had had with the gamma globulin therapy.

 And then, he began to talk about what my options might be next month when I saw him and said, "There is one more gamma globulin product we could try .... But I really am not sure if we should." And that is the point that my eyes filled with tears as I sagged against the wall. They have all been very clear with me. If they cannot fix the immune issue, one of the infections will kill me. I fought to pull it together as I told him that today was the surgical procedure on my sinus and I was hoping it would be enough with antibiotics to help the infection. As far as I was concerned if we could somehow stop this constant merry go round of antibiotics, steroids and infections that would be a lot for me. He then asked me to call him if my status changed, but he is not sure how much he could do at this point. I quietly told him I would call if I got worse and I would plan on seeing him next month.

Slipping my phone into my back pocket, I took a deep breath, straightened my shoulders and headed back to my meeting, back ... to life. I choose to live. I will not live with one foot in the grave, but I choose to live in hope, faith and the strength that God gives me. I will embrace each moment I have and believe that there are good things ahead. Life lived in hope is always worth it. who knows what incredible things that God will be doing in the days ahead ... Just Connie

Pre Surgery Thoughts

In just about an hour I will be picked up by a friend and driven to the hospital for the surgical procedure I have been trying to schedule for a year. They are hoping that this orovedure will be able to clear up the infection over my left eye. Last night my surgeon called me to talk to me about the procedure. It is experimental and he will be using a new device. He told me he has been practicing on a dummy. I tried very hard to not giggle as I thought "Well that is certainly appropriate". He then talked to me about the drugs that were available for use and my wish to avoid narcotics if at all possible. He also wanted to know the status of the infection and how my lungs were doing. He was pleased that I had just finished another round of antibiotics and was in a good upswing with normal lung function. I was glad he had called and checked in with me. It Is good to have a Dr who is willing to take the time to check it on me. I am looking forward to having this procedure. Not because I want to have it (I really don't) But because it offers the possibility of ending this constant round of infections and lung problems. The possibility of something better is there on the horizon. and that is a pretty exciting thought. So in a couple of hours I will be on the table in the midst of the procedure, praying for the Dr, praying for peace and asking for healing. For in Christ all things are possible .... Just Connie

Paddle Thoughts

I am the proud owner of my very own paddleboard. I had been tucking money away for this extravagance for the last 11 months. And several months ago there was finally enough tucked away to purchase my very own board. Last year was the first time I had ever been on a paddleboard and I found that loved it! Loved being outside, loved the exercise and the challenge of staying upright on a tippy board. So on Memorial Day, I hopped out of bed, went to an early morning yoga class (5:30 am) and then headed home to clean up, pack things up and head to McMinnville to meet my adventure buddy. My friend Tami the paramedic had purchased a rack for our paddle boards and together we loaded hers on top. Realized we could not get mine on as well and loaded it in the back of my car. But soon we were headed to Newberg to hit the Wilamette at Rogers Landing and meet friends of Tamis. Arriving there, I soon found out how hard it is to carry a 10 ft board very far. ( I have ordered a carrying strap now). But eventually we made it down to the river, two paddleboard soldiers and a canoe and we soon headed downriver. It was a beautiful day! The sun was shining, birds were singing. There were blue herons and kingfishers fishing along the side of the river and it was a perfect day to be on the river. Everything went seamlessly until we turned to head back up the river. THat is when the canoe accidentally hit my board and sent me head first into the river. Laughing, I surfaced and swam for my board and began the hard exercise of climbing back onto my board. As I lay stomach down on the board and caught my breath I could not help but laugh. I raised my head and said, "And that is why I brought extra clothes". Laughing we all began the paddle upriver enjoying the day, the beauty and each other. It was all over all too soon and before I knew it we were loading everything back into our cars and heading home. I am so grateful for days like this that breathe life into me and fill me with joy. I am so thankful for friendships that build me up and the chance to do things that challenge and stretch me. I am looking forward with anticipation to our next adventure. I think we are headed to Tillamook to paddle rather Little Nestucca. Good times ahead.... Just Connie

12 Hour Day

I jumped out of the car and began to pull my wild land fire fighting gear from the bag I keep in the back of my jeep. The flashing lights of a multitude of emergency rigs were even brighter than the 90 degree sun beating down as I firmly placed my wild land helmet on my head and headed up the grassy hill to the scene. Smoke curled around me as I made my way around vehicles, hose lines and brush. Various crew members waved at me as I quickly snapped a couple of pictures as I searched for the IC. (Incident Command) The scene was calm and the crew had obviously knocked the fire down fairly quickly. Now there were smoldering piles of slash as the crew dug out hot spots. Finding the IC, he handed me the clipboard and told me to work with ODF (Oregon Department of Forestry) to gather information and statements. So for the next 30 minutes I interviewed witnesses, took photos and tried to stay out of the smoke as I hiked through smoldering piles of slash and open burned fields. As I climbed yet another hill, I shivered to see that the fire had come within 3 feet of a row of houses. Sending up a quick prayer of thankfulness for the protection of those homes, I headed to the engine to see if I could find some water to hydrate myself. I could feel the sweat trickling down my back as I wiped my face on my sleeve and headed down the hill to the engine where I quickly drank a bottle of water. I searched out the IC once more and gave him all the info I had gathered. Jumping back into my car, I headed to city hall to update the mayor on the fire which had also come fairly close to the town water tower. Finally though, I was heading back to the station to download photos and prepare press releases. As I walked into the lobby of the station the Chief greeted me as I sank into the nearest chair with relief. Pulling my boots off my swollen feet I rubbed them ruefully as I updated him on what had happened since he had left the scene. An hour later I was finally loading my stuff back into the car as I prepared to head home from a 12 hour work day. As I drove home, I reflected on everything I had done during the day. Yoga class, union negotiations, a quick shopping trip, preparation of the minutes for tomorrow's Economic Improvement District meeting, multiple phone calls from the Dr's, and hospitals about tomorrow's upcoming surgery and the planning of a memorial service for last night's cardiac arrest victim. The day had involved Fire Department, Church, Community and City ministry. It had been full but yet good. I am thankful for the chance to serve, thankful for the many friends I have made and thankful that I can make a difference in my own small way. And thankful is a pretty good way to end a day.... Just Connie