Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Well it finally happened ... My face hurts as much as my friend Carolyn has always told me it hurts her. Today I had the follow up procedure from my sinus surgery two weeks ago. The Dr says it is inflamed and bruised but the infection is better. Now 5 hours later, the locals have worn off and .... Well my face hurts.

This has been quite a journey over the last 5 years. I get an infection because my immune system is compromised, the infection triggers my asthma and my lungs crash. So which is the problem? The immune system? My sinuses? Or my asthma? The specialist who saw me today says ... Yes. It is all of them and they are so intertwined they really cannot be separated. He is wanting me to go back on gamma globulin treatment just as the new  pulmunologist does as well.

Sigh ... I have to admit that it does not fill my heart with joy to think about being back on treatment. But I do like the thought of being off antibiotics and steroids. I am hopeful that the new immunologist might have some different options for me.

In just a couple of weeks I will see the new immunologist. I will probably not have answers that day. I would expect him to want to run blood tests and get my antibody levels. But at least there might be a direction, or the possibility of some choices. I am almost afraid to put out too much hope that it will be different. But hope is kind of what I do.

I am hopeful. Hopeful that I will be healed, hopeful that there will be answers, hopeful that it will not be horrible, hopeful for a new tomorrow.

And you know ..... I am thinking that hope is never the wrong choice.

Just Connie

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