Friday, December 11, 2009

The Gift

Several weeks ago I lost my 16 year old terrier to old age. It has left an empty spot in my life. But Charlie and the bunny and I were limping along as best we could trying to adjust to life with out our friend.

Tonight the neighbor came down with my Christmas gift. it was so good to see them after having been gone and they have been so kind to me over the years. Their son Mark comes and helps me at the house. He has been a big help over the last year as well as an encouragement to my wounded spirit. Tonight they walked in with .... a wiggling, squiggling ball of fluff.

I scooped up ball the of fluff and buried my face in her soft, sweet smelling puppy fur. Then they said, "She is your Christmas gift." My eyes filled with tears and I stammered and stuttered and looked at them in disbelief. But it was true; that sweet little puppy was mine.

It seems that Mark had taken all his Christmas money and bought me a dog because he was felt so bad for me over Bear's death. That is when the tears really began to flow, they are still flowing. I think puppy and I will become good friends and I think we will be a good match for each other. Even more my heart is overflowing at the kindness of a young man who cared about my hurting lonely heart. This gift is a gift of love that will keep giving for years to come.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above" James 1:17
Just Connie

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