Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Belfry

I seem to have spent much of my pastorate on roofs, up in hedges and with various tools in my hand. That is very surprising to people given my gender, but I have always enjoyed it. Today I spent up on the roof of the church. Among other things, we were trying to address the moss problem. it complicated things a little bit that it rained, but we got it done regardless.

The other thing that needed to be done today was to examine the bell tower and decide what repairs if any needed to be as we prepare to paint it. We were surprised to find some guests that had moved into the bell tower. Not bats in the belfry, but starlings. That discovery gave me a good excuse to climb up into the bell tower and examine everything. Which I have been intedning to do, but just had not gotten around to it.

Our bell tower has an actual bell in it. We ring it every Sunday morning calling people to worship. It is one of the things I have really enjoyed about being in Willamina. It was wonderful to stand there and gaze out at the neighborhood today.

It was a full day, but a good day. We got a lot done and that is always a good feeling.

Just Connie

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