Monday, November 14, 2016


Days like today I feel like I am wading through glue. I am tired and sluggish. My blood sugar is spiking and all I want to do is go and lay my aching head down somewhere. But the reality is that I have things to do today. I have been to yoga class, seen the Dr, gone to the bank, the pharmacy, tested my blood sugar and given myself an insulin shot (that is why I feel so bad) and have finished my sermon. I am now waiting for someone to make a vegetable donations and then I can head home for some lunch.

I find it hard to be very productive when I feel so bad, so much of the time. My lung function is slowly creeping down which it should not be on the massive steroids I am taking, my blood sugar is still having crazy high spikes and I am just so tired so much of the time.

But I remain committed to getting as much done as I possibly can, resting when I can and continuing to challenge and stretch myself. I am finding that it is really a matter of focus. Will I  focus on what I do not like or only on the things that frustrate me or will I find the things that are positive and beautiful in my life and focus on that? It really does make a difference ... so I am choosing to focus on the fact that I was able to treat my crazy high blood sugar and that I got a lot of things done this morning even though I was not feeling well.

Life is good and God is even better ....

That is a perspective that makes a difference.

Just Connie

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