Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Change of Perspective

I am preparing for a Community meeting tonight. That is nothing new meetings and community meetings are an integral part of the ministry. I recently told a friend that if it was not for meetings I would not have a social life. I said it in jest but I have to admit that there is some truth to it.

Left on my own I have a tendency to hibernate at home. To sit on the couch with my computer on my lap and the TV on in the background. But the reality is that too many of those kind of nights separate me from my community and the people I seek to serve. So I have made a conscious choice to be involved in community activities. I serve on the Kiwanis, on the Chamber of Commerce, on the Economic Improvement District, I volunteer at the school and serve on a host of other things besides.

Tonight's meeting is a Community Collaboration meeting. it seeks to help groups and organizations partner together more effectively and it will be a valuable time of planning and preparation for all of us.

The reality is that what the meeting is about tonight is important and good things will grow from it, but the most important thing is what it does for me. It  takes me out into the community, introduces me to others who want to make a difference and will stimulate my heart and mind.

It is very easy to get discouraged with the constant reality of meetingsin my life and I have to admit there are times that I resent the time they take up. But I think as I go into the meeting tonight, I need to keep in front of me, not only what I can contribute, and what the cost is to me, but what these meetings are contributing in my own life.

That is a different kind of perspective .... and perspective changes everything.

Just Connie

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