Monday, October 13, 2014


My father is a nag. He never used to be a nag but at some point he made the decision that I need a man. Now it does not make any difference what our conversation is about, somehow it will relate to the lack of a man in my life. I always laugh and make a joke about it, but one day I finally asked him why he wanted me to have  man and he told me that he did not want me to get old alone.

I have to admit that it really sobered me. First of all, because he wants me to be happy and to have the joy of companionship. I was touched by his love and concern for me. Secondly, because it brought up my own hidden fears. I do not know that anyone wants to grow old alone and I have to admit that I do not like the thought. 

However, I find that I am content with my life right now. Content with  ministry, friends and the freedom I have right now. I also find my life very rich. I have the joy of serving in a wide variety of roles from preaching, to the Fire Department, to working with the Chamber and the Business groups. All of these roles add a dimension and offer me a chance to use a wide variety of skills that benefit the community.

I guess it is a matter of embracing what life brings me. Right now life has brought me singleness and that has a joy of its own. I hope I will always embrace what God sets before me with grace, love and enthusiasm.

Who knows what is coming next? ....

Just Conniee

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Celebrating Roy

Today I celebrated the life of a very special man. Roy always had a hug and a kiss. He had an amazing ability to love you and let you know that you were important in his life.

I have so many good memories of him, memories of working side by side. Memories that warm my heart and remind me that he was an amazing guy.

I remember one day we working for hours cutting trees down and splitting them. Roy and I worked the splitter, I would drag, roll and muscle the immense rounds of fir into the splitter and Roy would run the machine. All the way through he would watch me huff and puff and struggle to move those heavy rounds and tell me "Man, you need to get in shape". Then he would laugh and I would throw something at him and we would both laugh.

Tonight I want to remember his love and his laughter and let that comfort my heart and strengthen me, It will be an emptier world without him, but I think he invested enough in my life that it will continue to make a difference int he day ahead.

I hope that I can make that kind of difference in the lives of those around me ....

Just Connie

Friday, October 3, 2014

Not Dull

I got the call just after I had ordered breakfast at our local restaurant, the alarm was going off at the Old High School Campus and I was asked to run down and turn it off. So I told them to hold my food and I headed down to the Campus,

Letting myself in with my key I turned off the alarm and noticed some lights on down the main hall. So I began the trek to the other end turning off lights and closing doors as I went. I got all the way to the gym when I aw the outside door to the gym open and that is when it dawned on me, the school had been broken into! A few seconds after that realization was this one, "The school has been broken into, and I am standing here by myself in the middle of a dark 10,000 square foot building and I have no idea if someone is in the building or not."

As my shaking hands dialed 911 I began to back out of the building as fat as I could mumbling to myself, "Dumb, dumb, dumb". As I sat on the steps and waited for the Sheriff deputy I began to realize that I was not going to get back to rescue my breakfast. And that is about the time the first of the squad cars began to pull up. Before I knew it there were 5 deputies there to rescue me and check the building.

An hour later the building was secured, no bad guys were found and the alarm was set once again. As I drove back to the restaurant to see if my breakfast could be reclaimed, it dawned on me that my life is never dull.

And I am thinking that not dull ... is pretty good.

Just Connie