Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas 2015

Another Christmas come and gone already .... It is hard to believe that I am already 2 days past Christmas and 2016 is fast approaching. The last week has been a blur of activities.

Christmas Eve I packed up all the presents and headed up to my parents for the big Family celebration. It was wonderful to see everyone, but I did not get the chance to visit nearly as much as I wanted to with everyone. It was absolute chaos .... Some things never change.

Christmas morning I popped out of bed at 5 and opened up stocking gifts with mom and dad. I love that time with them and I am grateful that I have been able to have that time with them the last 6 years. By 7am I was on the road headed back to Willamina for the Coomunity Christmas Dinner. I pulled into our local restaurant about 9 and hit the ground running. My job this year was to recruit, organize and oversee the 50+ volunteers that make this dinner possible.

By 3:00 I was waving goodbye to the last volunteers after having served over 530 meals and giving away countless toys to the children who were there. I left there feeling tired but certain that we had really done a good thing. From there I headed down to the Fire Hall to check on those who were on duty. After visiting for a couple of hours, I headed home to put my feet up and relax.

As I have reflected on what a good day it was, I recognize the importance of staying busy and the importance of serving others to make my Christmas meaningful. It completely changes my outlook and attitude when I do.

I am grateful for the opportunities to serve that I have been given. I am grateful for the life and joy it brings into my life.

I can hardly wait until next year ....

Just Connie

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