Monday, October 13, 2014


My father is a nag. He never used to be a nag but at some point he made the decision that I need a man. Now it does not make any difference what our conversation is about, somehow it will relate to the lack of a man in my life. I always laugh and make a joke about it, but one day I finally asked him why he wanted me to have  man and he told me that he did not want me to get old alone.

I have to admit that it really sobered me. First of all, because he wants me to be happy and to have the joy of companionship. I was touched by his love and concern for me. Secondly, because it brought up my own hidden fears. I do not know that anyone wants to grow old alone and I have to admit that I do not like the thought. 

However, I find that I am content with my life right now. Content with  ministry, friends and the freedom I have right now. I also find my life very rich. I have the joy of serving in a wide variety of roles from preaching, to the Fire Department, to working with the Chamber and the Business groups. All of these roles add a dimension and offer me a chance to use a wide variety of skills that benefit the community.

I guess it is a matter of embracing what life brings me. Right now life has brought me singleness and that has a joy of its own. I hope I will always embrace what God sets before me with grace, love and enthusiasm.

Who knows what is coming next? ....

Just Conniee

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