Saturday, October 4, 2014

Celebrating Roy

Today I celebrated the life of a very special man. Roy always had a hug and a kiss. He had an amazing ability to love you and let you know that you were important in his life.

I have so many good memories of him, memories of working side by side. Memories that warm my heart and remind me that he was an amazing guy.

I remember one day we working for hours cutting trees down and splitting them. Roy and I worked the splitter, I would drag, roll and muscle the immense rounds of fir into the splitter and Roy would run the machine. All the way through he would watch me huff and puff and struggle to move those heavy rounds and tell me "Man, you need to get in shape". Then he would laugh and I would throw something at him and we would both laugh.

Tonight I want to remember his love and his laughter and let that comfort my heart and strengthen me, It will be an emptier world without him, but I think he invested enough in my life that it will continue to make a difference int he day ahead.

I hope that I can make that kind of difference in the lives of those around me ....

Just Connie

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