Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Blessed and Encouraged

Breathe in ... Breathe out. It seems so easy. But for the last two months it has been so hard. After reacting badly to the new brand of gamma globulin I have struggled to get my lungs fully functional again. Over the past several weeks they have gotten worse and worse. Yesterday and today I met with Dr's who are working on getting me up and breathing again.

I have to admit to being tired. Emotionally and physically right now. Everything takes so much effort to do. So I am trying to be proactive, keep moving and getting more rest. However, that more rest thing has also been elusive because of the massive amounts of steroids I am on. But I am trying.

And I guess that is what it all comes to. Am I willing to just keep trying? Am I willing to allow it to be hard? Am I willing to embrace where I am? There is a lot of it that I do not like. But, there are also some amazing things blessing me as well. I have been incredibly blessed by the love and support of friends, families, churches and the community. The unexpected notes and visits just when I need some love and encouragement.

I have also been blessed by those who have stepped up to the plate to lighten my load and to help. Everywhere I turn I am reminded of God's grace and love. And I guess when you think about it that is not a bad place to be. Surrounded by love, grace and frienship. Blessed and encouraged ....

Yep, this is a good place to be.

Just Connie

1 comment:

Mom said...

I love you thank you for blogging