Thursday, April 21, 2016

A Day to Celebrate

When you live alone and away from your family, things like holidays and birthdays can be  .l.. Well lonely. I have learned to cope with the holidays by either volunteering somewhere or spending it with the crew at the Fire Station. But birthdays ... Well there is just no good way to get around it. You just have to get through it.

I woke up yesterday knowing that it was my birthday and sighing. But I got up, got ready for the day and opened the door. There on my porch was a package that said, "Happy Birthday!" I was so surprised. Though there was no name on it, I was pretty sure it was from my neighbor man. I was surprised and blessed as I opened an instant hot kettle and a bag of soups and noodles.

Leaving the house in a much better frame of mind I headed to the Chamber of commerce meeting. I was stunned when they opened the meeting by singing Happy Birthday to me. How did everyone know about my birthday? Facebook of course blabbed. From the Chamber meting I headed to the Fire Station with the Chief at his request. I was doing walk arounds and chatting with everyone when one of the paramedics came to me and said, "We need you upstairs right away." Expecting a major crisis I headed up to the crew living room. There I was greeted with a crowd singing Happy Birthday. On the table was a beautiful cake. Well ... A beautiful cake with an appropriately snarky message. "Yes you are old!" I spent a wonderful time with them eating cake and laughing. The police even showed up! We are blessed with some wonderful deputies in town and they came and joined us for the party. So I can honestly say that my birthday party had the police called.

From there I went to a series of meetings and finally to my Dr's appointment. There I was greeted by my Dr singing Happy Birthday to me. As I gave him a big hug, I thought how blessed I am for the incredible friends I have made in Willamina.

After the Dr's appointment I grabbed dinner from th deli and headed home and got ready for my 8pm  yoga class. There I was also greeted with Happy Birthday's and cake.

I came home amazed at how many people around the community were part of makng my birthday such a wonderful day. And then I opened up Facebook, where I had several hundred birthday greetings to answer from around the world and was amazed all over again.

I am thankful for a day that reminded me that I am loved and not forgotten. Not a day to be sad, but a day to celebrate friendships.

That is certainly a day to celebrate ...

Just Connie

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