Saturday, April 9, 2016

Chagrined, But Blessed

I looked with chagrin at the text from my Dr. "Go to the fire station, have them evaluate you and run a bag of normal saline" and then text me your stats.  With a mixture of hope that I might feel better and disappointment that it had come to this I drove to the fire station. For the next several hours I laughed, moaned and enjoyed being with the crews as they ran not one, but two IV's at the request of our District Doctor. Finally about 11:30 he declared that I was ready to go home as long as I presented myself at his office early the next morning.

I drove home feeling much better than I had on my trip to the Station. I was also filled with gratitude for the skills of my fellow crew members and the care and support they give. I was also filled with gratitude for the care and support of my Dr.

 I am blessed, By the friendship of my Dr and the crews, and blessed by the incredible support network I have. Also by knowing I have a host of people praying for me as I continue this journey. How can I not flourish, with all of these people helping me?

And I am thinking that blessed is a very good thing to be ...

Just Connie

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