Monday, February 25, 2013

Unexpected Angel

I was visited by a very unexpected angel today. I was not expecting this visitation but nevertheless .... there he was.

I had to run my son to his physical  therapy appointment and I have to admit that it took everything I had to get up, dress and drive  the 5 miles to Sheridan. This illness has just hung on and hung on and it has been a discouraging up and down journey so far. As I was waiting in the parking lot I realized that it was time for him to be done. I turned the key to start the engine .... and nothing ..... click, click, click.

It was at that point that I began to cry. I could not think of any solution I just sat there and cried. And that is where my son found me. He took my key from me, opened the hood and declared, "It is either the starter or the battery". That just made me cry harder. He was getting ready to figure out who he could call to come and help when there was a knock on the car door. "Hey Pastor Connie, do you need help?" And there in the middle of the Sheridan grocery store parking lot, was one of my benevolence clients. Before I could even frame a reply he had jumper cables out and had started my car. I jumped out of the car, threw my arms around him and told him that God had sent him special for me today.

As I drove away I was struck by how God had used someone so unexpected in such a powerful way  for me. I felt such a strong sense of God's hand in it that has stayed with me all day. I needed that reminder. In spite of the illness, the slowness or recovery and the crashing and burning of my vacation plans, God is still working on my behalf. reminding me that I am loved and he has plans to prosper me ... not to harm me.

Now that is a very good feeling ...

Just Connie

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