Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Walk in the Woods

I did something I have not done in months ... I took a walk in the woods. My son convinced me to try a short walk. We probably did about a mile. I am encouraged. I did not get short of breath or cough. However, I did get very tired. I am ready for bed right now and it is only 7:00pm.

It tells me that I am still getting better. It also reminds me that this will be a long process ... the slow regaining of strength and energy. It will happen in small steps forward. I just need to keep going.

It is real easy at this point to get discouraged because it is not happening as fast as I want it to. I keep reminding myself that I am still on antibiotics and I still am on a lot of other medications. But this warm weather and sunshine is calling me. Calling me to get outside and  hike and enjoy the world around me.

I just wish .... that I was at the other end of this process.

Just Connie

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