Friday, September 11, 2015

Another Go Around

The church Camp Out was going well. It had been wet, but I had been having a lot of fun with the the young adults and kids. We had played Capture the Fag in the dark with glow sticks. We had played Football Frisbee and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. It was when I woke up Monday morning that I knew that things had taken a bad turn for me.

Rolling over I could already hear  the wheezing of my lungs.Sighing, I got up and began packing my stuff up so I could head home and take care of my complaining lungs  I packed up my car and said goodbye to everyone.

Getting home I unpacked everything, set up the tent and spread out the wet gear so it could dry. Then I hauled myself into the house and measured my lung function. Looking at the result I sighed and drug myself into the bedroom to lay down a while.

Deciding that this might be a temporary downturn, I decided to wait it out a day and see if I got better. By that night my lung function had dropped another 50 points and I was not feeling well. So I broke down and went to the Dr the next day who said, "You are not moving air through your lungs  well". The good news was that I had no sign of infection. Which was very good news. I left his office with the instruction to double check with the immunologist to make sure a steroid shot was not contraindicated with my gamma globulin treatments.

After checking with the immunologist I reported early the next morning for my steroid shot. That day as my lung function got worse and worse, I got my sermon done, had a counseling appointment and then had my gamma globulin treatment. By that night I was short of breath and b=pretty miserable, but I drug myself to my Fire Board meeting and was home by 9:15 to fall into bed.

I woke in the morning feeling better. Taking my lung function test I was encouraged to see that I had some up several points. As the day went on I felt better and better. And now I sit here several points higher still and beginning to think that I am over the hump with this go around.

I have no idea what set this one off, but it is resolving without antibiotics or oxygen. That makes me feel like I am beginning to get a handle on things.

Most of all I find that I am grateful. I am grateful for the healing that my body is undergoing. I am grateful for the incredible people God has put into my life to partner with me in my health care. I am grateful for life and the future that God has for me.

And grateful is a good place to be .....

Just Connie

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