Thursday, October 25, 2012


I am now firmly convinced that I am a goober. Some days I seem to celebrate my "gooberness" more than others. Today was one of those days.

It had been a busy day. I had meetings, writing deadlines and a pile of desk work to wade through. I also had work crews busy in the church. The plumber was there getting ready to begin the plumbing part of the kitchen project and I had another crew putting up shelving in another area. Of course to build the shelves they had to drag everything out and what a collection of stuff they found. Stuff that should have been put away in their proper places, stray parts of plays, sets and costumes, musical equipment ... all kinds of things. So while it was all  out I began sorting through what could be thrown away and what needed to be stored somewhere else.

In the midst of that I had a family come in that needed a food box, so I ran over to the Church Food Bank and filled bags of food for them. Then I went back into the sanctuary and drug the 14 foot ladder in and put away all the things that needed to go up to attic storage. It was with a sense of satisfaction that I went back to my office and finished off some more desk work.

About 4:00 I began to pack everything up to go home and that is when things began to fall apart ... no keys. They were not in my briefcase and not on my desk, they were not in my coat pocket ... they were no where to be found. So I began to tear my office apart. I looked under things, I checked all the drawers in my desk and finally came to the realization that I had absolutely no idea where my keys were.

I wilted when I tried to think back over all the places I had been during the last couple of hours because I had been in every area of the church. But I began to backtrack and search. However .... there were no keys to be found. I finally called the Church Treasurer and asked if he would come and unlock the church office because I could not find my keys anywhere. When he finished laughing he said he would come and help in the search.

As I waited, I remembered that I had taken boxes up to the attic, so up the ladder I climbed and there on the very top .... sat my keys. As I stood there on the ladder I had a sudden memory of laying them on the top of the ladder to heave the box up to the attic. Now why in the world couldn't I have remembered that 30 minutes ago?

As I sat on the top of the ladder I called the Treasurer and told him the lost had been found. He of course found the whole thing highly entertaining ... me not nearly so much. In fact I felt really silly. How in the world could I have laid my keys down and left them there? How in the world could I have been so .... human?

And that was the point that I began to smile. It was pretty ridiculous ... how many people lose their keys on top of a 14 foot ladder? And the laughter began to bubble up as I thought about how very unlikely that was.

The reality is that mistakes are just that and there is a real danger to losing myself in false expectations of perfection. I am human, I will make mistakes and I need to let that be okay. I am what I am ... learning, growing and slowly being transformed into the person God created me to be.

And that is okay with me ....

Just Connie

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