Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A Family Trait

I was called a nut today. I really could not argue that. But since it was my cousin who said it, I reminded her that it was a family trait.

I grew up in a family that valued laughter and humor. I can remember taking car vacations growing up. My grandmother and I would sit in the back seat and tell horrible jokes to each other. We would laugh and laugh ... everyone else would groan and try to get us to quit.

My family also taught us to be ourselves. That means that I had the freedom to not be forced to conform. I was allowed to be me. It meant that I was allowed to be an athlete, to out perform the boys. It meant as an adult I had the confidence to play racquetball in a men's league. It meant that I could fearlessly follow my call to the ministry because it was an integral piece of who I am.

I am very grateful for a family that allowed me to be a nut, to laugh, to learn and to love lavishly. I am grateful for the laughter that helped connect our hearts together. I will proudly wear my label of "nut". And though my mother tells everyone that I got it from my grandmother and it skipped her generation, I have to say that my mother is a nut too.

It really is a family trait ....

Just Connie

1 comment:

t-dcrawford said...

ooooh oooh how dare you maligne your mother. The first thing your dad said when he read it was "at least she didn't say I was a nut". A nut is a nut is a nut=you. But I love you bunches and bunches. Great writing