Monday, April 28, 2014

Unexpected Friendships

I took a big step today ... actually a lot of big steps. After months of illness and recovery I finally got to walk around the pond. It was a beautiful afternoon for a walk and it felt so good to be out walking again.

As I walked, I got to chat with friends I have not seen in months. All who wanted to know where I have been over the last months. As I walked I reflected on how wonderful it was to build friendships with unlikely people in unlikely places. The people who greeted me as I walked I would never have met if I had not spent time walking around the pond.

It makes me wonder about all the people I have not met yet, that will become my friends. Because the reality is that potential friends are all around us. They are the strangers in the store, the fishermen at the pond and the repairman who work on my appliances.

I hope that I will be someone who people want to be friends with. Someone who is encouraging and caring. The kind of person that people are drawn to.

Because I can never have too many friends ....

Just Connie

1 comment:

t-dcrawford said...

You are so right and I am so glad you were able to get out and do that. I love you so much. I'll bet people were surprised if you were honest and told them you had been ill.