Saturday, April 12, 2014

Unexpected Journey - Opinions

I have made a discovery through this unexpected journey. Everyone has an opinion of why I am sick. They have ranged from environmental allergens to demonic influence and everything in between. I have tried to deal with each suggestion understanding that the giver of these tidbits of information, have good motives at heart.

However, yesterday I got one that has really outraged me. I received a link to an article on why women should not be in ministry and how God is bringing judgment on my life because of what I am doing. I first of all, was surprised at the person who sent it to me. I would not have thought that they viewed me as outside of God's will. And I was surprised that while affirming love they would send something so incredibly hurtful.

The thing that people seem to forget is that original sin brought sin and death to the world. Sickness is part of the price of the Fall. In the same way that getting the flu is not a sign of moral failure there is no moral implication in my illness. Just because I am sick does not mean that God is unhappy with me. It is part and parcel of living in a fallen world.

So I continue on this journey with new understanding that others might not understand the path that I am on. But really no one has to understand, I just need to be faithful to the call of God on my life and to walk this path in a way that gives honor to God.

Just keep walking .....

Just Connie

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