Monday, March 23, 2015


Finally! Improvment! My lung function test Has crept into the green zone for the first time in over a month. What that means is that my lungs are finally working at 80% or higher. I am thrilled and it is amazing what 30-40 points can do in terms of how I feel. I can tell a difference.

I am still over 100 points below my norm ... But I am thrilled to be moving in the right direction. So I will work on keeping it going in the right direction and doing all the things I am supposed to be doing. I have so much I want to get done this week and I know that improving lung function will provide me with more energy to "get er done"

So breathing better and life is looking up .. What more could I ask for today?

Just Connie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know I don't know you, i'm just browsing through random blogs. BUT wow congrats!! Thats amazing news and I hope you continue your path to wellness!