Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Busy Day at the Hopsital

I saw the pulmunologist have something going on with my lungs which he suspicions is Neal infection of some kind. I will have a bronchoscope on Friday and they will culture the infection to see how best to treat it. They also found some scarring and a couple of small cysts.

When I told him that I tried to hike Saturday and it was probably the hardest 7 some miles I have ever hiked, he was amazed, he told me I had more "stick to it-ness" than anyone he knew. So I guess I should perhaps stop beating myself up for being a wimp on the hike.

I explained that I had the annual church camp out this weekend. He told me that I could not go on Friday, but he would clear me to go with no restrictions from Saturday on. That made me very happy. I would not have wanted to miss the camp out two years in a row.

So I have arranged for my ride on Friday to the hospital since they will be putting me under and will try to have everything packed and ready to go by tomorrow. I also have the music and the sermon to finish up for the camp out service. And of course food to pack both for me and for the potluck.

I am looking forward to getting out there and enjoying some time relaxing in nature with friends. Not only that but it have 9 people scheduled for baptism after the service. There are some really exciting things going on during the camp out and I am very thankful to be a part of it.

It is 8pm and I have just finished up treatment. Tomorrow I will recover from the side effects and get my sermon and music done and get everything printed out and ready to go. It will be a very full day and Friday will be full as well.

I have to say that life is never dull around here. But as always God is big enough, loving enough, strong enough and wise enough to meet me right where I am. And that peace is filling my heart tonight.

So grateful for the love of God which lifts me up, heals me, comforts me and stretches me. Tonight I am singing "I will trust in you ..."

just Connie

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