Friday, May 15, 2009

Crying & Laughing

I had lunch with a beautiful woman today. She and I have known each other for a couple of years but we had not had the chance to get to know each other very well. We realized in casual conversation a couple of months ago that we were both experiencing significant upheavals in our lives. I had no idea that she was struggling to find her way through challenging and difficult circumstances and she was unaware of what was going on in my own life.

The realization that we were both facing problems gave us the opportunity to carve out some time to spend together. I am so thankful to have a reason for us to connect. I think we will have a lot to share in the months ahead as we both search for the way through. She is a vibrant testimony of God’s grace in action and I am thankful for the chance to strengthen each other.

It is a reminder for me that so often the smiles on the outside hide deep pain on the inside. I am a firm believer in finding laughter in the midst of the battle. In fact when she asked me how I was doing today, I told her “crying and laughing”. But I think sometimes I tend to use humor as a shield so that others will not know how badly I am hurting. I think that is okay to a point, but I need to identify safe people that I can fully be “me” with. Likewise I want to make sure that I am a safe person for other people to be who they really are, right where they are. I guess one of the best gifts we can give each other … is to fully grow into the people that God created us to be.

“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ” Ephesians 4:15

Just Connie

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