Monday, May 11, 2009

The Virus Battle

Well I am still fighting this virus. I went to work and started off the day pretty well. By midday my head was pounding, my body was aching and all I could think about was crawling back into bed. I finally called it quits and came home.

So here I am, stuffed with cold medicines trying to think past my fuzzy brain. I am not sure that I am doing that successfully.

I find that I have little patience for this struggle with illness. My work is piling up, my house is a mess and all I can do is sleep. I am past ready to be done with this.
I guess at this point there is not much I can do other than to continue to sleep and accomplish what I can. Tomorrow is another day.

"Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you." Joshua 3:5

Tomorrow …. I am soooo ready for something amazing.

Just Connie

1 comment:

Carol Van Atta, Princess Warrior said...

I understand that horrible virus. I had it for a week. I was ready for Jesus to take me home. I don't remember being that sick ever. Thankfully, I'm better. I pray you will feel better and brighter upon awakening. God bless you!