Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sick Day 2

Another day spent home in bed. This is a real annoyance to me. I have things to do and people to see. I actually got up this morning and dressed and then went back to bed. My head hurts and I am soooo tired. I do not know when I have slept like this. Probably not since the last time I was sick. I don’t like this. I am ready for this to be done.

“A man's spirit sustains him in sickness” Proverbs 18:14

Sigh … I guess it is still time to rest and wait. I am not always so good at waiting. I want to be doing something to make it better… to move it ahead. But as in so much of life there is value in the process. Healing will come in its own time.

So for now the dogs and I will continue to curl up together and rest. At least they are happy about it.

Just Connie

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