Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Prayer Day

Today was a day of prayer for me. The Free Methodists Pastors met together for a prayer summit. Today was good for me and it stretched me in many ways. Our facilitator for the day challenged us to long periods of silence so we could listen for God’s voice. That means to be quiet inside and out. No talking, focused thinking … listening … quiet.

Silence has never been one of my strong suits. My mother has often told me that they were worried because I talked late, but once I started, I never shut up. I still like to fill the silences up. I usually have music going or the TV, there is something going on all of the time. But today we were challenged to just quiet ourselves. We were given two scriptures to meditate on and just listen.

I found that it takes great concentration to listen. I had a tendency to drift off and begin to think of things to pray for, or things I needed to do, it was challenging to just quiet myself. But eventually in the stillness I could feel God’s touch. It was an incredibly affirming moment. And in that moment I was warmed by the knowledge that I am doing what God wants me to do. I just need to keep moving ahead.

So I will try to just keep going in the direction I am headed. I will also try to still myself more often. I need to hear God’s voice now more than ever.

"Be still, and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10

Just Connie

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