Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Travel Day Today

It is going to be a long busy day today. I have already been to the hotel gym and walked 2.5 miles on the treadmill. I am mostly cleaned up now and beginning to pack up everything. I will spend till 2:00 this afternoon in meetings, workshops and general sessions. Then I will grab a shuttle to the airport and catch my flight home. I will be picked up about 9:00pm by my daughter Joy. We will drive to Burlington pick up the animals, beg forgiveness for any “landscaping” that my sheepdog did while she was there and somehow communicate my deep and heartfelt thanks to my parents for helping me out. I will then drive to South Salem to drop my daughter off and head home to Willamina. I am hoping to be home before midnight. That might be wishful thinking, but it is my goal.

Wow! It really will be a long and busy day. But I think that is probably a good thing. It will keep me from brooding until the grief and hurt have eased. I know it is a process, but I have to say that I think the process stinks! I told God last night that I was sure that I could come up with a better plan. It is a good thing He loves me, I think sometimes I whine altogether too much. So my plan today can be found in Job.

“I will forget my complaint, I will change my expression and smile” Job 9:27

This will be a good day.

Just Connie

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