Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tomorrow's Hope

In just two weeks it will be 6 months since the very fabric of my life was blown apart. It has been a time of sorrow, adjustment and growth. None of those things are very comfortable to wade through. I cannot say that I have appreciated the experience, but I have to recognize that it has strengthened me in many ways.

I think that strength will be needed in the months ahead. I am trying hard to stay focused and to not let my grief and loneliness overwhelm me. I am amazed at times at how hard it still is for me. At other times, I am amazed at how quickly these last 6 months have gone by.

I want so much to rise above it all and to put the pain behind me. But I do not think there are any shortcuts through this. Unfortunately I have a feeling that the process of healing is more about the process itself than the end result.

we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hopeRomans 5:3-4

The reality is that life is often messy, unpredictable and downright painful. But good things happen when we persevere through the pain. This is a character building process and the process itself brings hope. So for today I choose to persevere knowing that tomorrow will bring new hope.

Just Connie

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