Friday, September 13, 2013

Backpacking Chaos

There is backpacking stuff spread all over the house. Since tomorrow is so busy, this is the only day I have to get my pack ready to go. So now I am in the process of laying out what I want to take. The next step is weighing things and trying to cut down as much weight as I possibly can. I always try to take too much.

I actually enjoy this part of it. I read my lists and try to make sure I have not missed anything over and over again. I think I am just about there. Just a couple of things to take out of the dryer and then everything will be ready to pack.

This is when I begin to get very excited about the trip. It all seems very real now and I am so very ready to go. So at 6:30 Sunday morning Hope Puppy and I will leave the house and begin to make our way to the Mt Jefferson Wilderness area.

I am expecting hard work, some complaining from my collarbone and the joy of being outside.

In fact when I think about it ... those are pretty good expectations ....

Just Connie

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